How to install the COB LED strip light?
What is the installation method of LED car light strip
Second step: then you can take electricity on the lamp holder of the width lamp, but to distinguish the positive and negative poles, it is best to use the electric pen quantity, the bright is the positive pole, if you want to improve the life, you can series an ohm resistor on the lamp set to limit the current, to prevent the lamp set by the mutation of high voltage breakdown.

Pas 3: Article LED car light installation is mounted on the front bumper can intake grid, even the good line, the use of hot melt adhesive sealing in waterproof and wheels to each tire off, put article LED auto light to the part of the brake pads, there should be a place to fixed, looking is what car, juntament amb les parts del lloc, sempre que es pugui fixar en un cercle, molt simple, Podeu consultar en línia primer l'estructura del vostre cotxe, així que segur d'uns quants.
Pas 4: Bolígraf elèctric per trobar la línia de llums de cotxe petit, apagueu els llums petits, el llapis no és brillant, obriu el bolígraf elèctric petit, trobar la línia després de l'article principal il·lumina el cotxe LED connectat i el cable d'elèctrode negatiu pot trobar la línia negativa del muntatge del far també pot agafar directament ferro, no importa, embolicat amb cinta elèctrica o tub termocontraíble, per arreglar les unions, Llum de cotxe LED de bon article arreglat, completa, La petita línia de llum es troba a l'arnès de cablejat del conjunt del far, obriu la coberta del maleter i mireu darrere del far.
Esquema de cablejat del llum led
Els passos per connectar llums LED són els següents:
1, first install the current limiting resistor on the negative pole of the power line.
2, then separate the positive and negative lines of the LED lamp belt.
3. Remove the positive pole line of the LED lamp belt with a peeling device.
4, stripped LED lamp positive line. As shown in the figure below.
5. Connect the negative pole line of the power supply with the positive pole line of the LED lamp strip.
6. Then connect the negative lead of THE LED with the current limiting resistor.
7. After completing the above steps, the wiring of the LED lamp is completed.
8. Finally, open the LED light switch for testing, and find that the LED light is on and the wiring process is correct.