
Sut i osod y golau stribed COB LED?

Sut i osod y golau stribed COB LED?

What is the installation method of LED car light strip

Second step: then you can take electricity on the lamp holder of the width lamp, but to distinguish the positive and negative poles, it is best to use the electric pen quantity, the bright is the positive pole, if you want to improve the life, you can series an ohm resistor on the lamp set to limit the current, to prevent the lamp set by the mutation of high voltage breakdown.

Cam 3:  Article LED car light installation is mounted on the front bumper can intake grid, even the good line, the use of hot melt adhesive sealing in waterproof and wheels to each tire off, put article LED auto light to the part of the brake pads, there should be a place to fixed, looking is what car, along with the parts of the site, as long as can be fixed in a circle, very simple,  Can get online first look for the structure chart of your car, so be sure of a few.  

Cam 4:  Electricity pen to find small car lights line, shut off the small lights, pencil is not bright, open the small light electric pen on, finding the line after the main article LED car light the connected and the negative electrode wire can meet the headlight assembly negative line also can directly take iron, it doesn’t matter, wrapped in electrical tape or heat shrinkable tube, to mend junctions, fixed good article LED car light, complete,  The small light line is in the headlamp assembly wiring harness, open the boot cover and look behind the headlamp.  

Led lamp wiring diagram

The steps for connecting LED lights are as follows:  

1, first install the current limiting resistor on the negative pole of the power line.  

2, then separate the positive and negative lines of the LED lamp belt.  

3. Remove the positive pole line of the LED lamp belt with a peeling device.  

4, stripped LED lamp positive line. As shown in the figure below.  

5. Connect the negative pole line of the power supply with the positive pole line of the LED lamp strip.  

6. Then connect the negative lead of THE LED with the current limiting resistor.  

7. After completing the above steps, the wiring of the LED lamp is completed.  

8. Finally, open the LED light switch for testing, and find that the LED light is on and the wiring process is correct.

Daw'r canlyniadau cyfieithu uchod o gymhariaeth brawddeg wrth frawddeg Youdao Neural Network Translation (YNMT).


SMD a COB LED Strip Light Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth?

SMD a COB LED Strip Light Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth?

Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng downlights coB a downlights LED

1. Technoleg wahanol

Mae Leds yn ddyfeisiadau lled-ddargludyddion cyflwr solet sy'n trosi trydan yn olau yn uniongyrchol. Arweiniodd, fel y drydedd genhedlaeth o dechnoleg goleuo ar ôl lamp gwynias a lamp fflwroleuol, mae ganddo nodweddion arbed ynni, diogelu'r amgylchedd, diogelwch a dibynadwyedd.  

Mae ffynhonnell golau cob ynghlwm yn uniongyrchol â'r sglodion dan arweiniad cyfradd adlewyrchol uchel o wyneb drych o effeithlonrwydd ffotosynthetig uchel o dechnoleg ffynhonnell golau integredig swbstrad metel, y dechnoleg i ddileu'r cysyniad o stentiau, platio electroless, sodro reflow, Proses yr UDRh, felly y broses i leihau bron i draean, arbedion cost o draean, termau poblogaidd yn fwy datblygedig na goleuadau dan arweiniad, and the lamp that shield an eye.  

2. Different lighting

Led lights can save energy, diogelu'r amgylchedd, no strobotron no ULTRAVIOLET radiation, the disadvantage is blue light harm. Cob lamp high color rendering, light color close to natural color, no stroboscopic, no glare, no electromagnetic radiation, no ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, can protect eyes and skin.  

Cob advantages

1. Advantages of production and manufacturing efficiency

The production process of COB packaging is basically the same as that of traditional SMD production process. The efficiency of COB packaging is basically the same as that of SMD packaging in the process of solid crystal and welding line. Fodd bynnag, the efficiency of COB packaging is much higher than that of SMD products in dispensing, separation, splitting and packaging.  

The labor and manufacturing cost of traditional SMD packaging is about 15% of the material cost, while the labor and manufacturing cost of COB packaging is about 10% of the material cost. With COB packaging, the labor and manufacturing cost can be saved by 5%.  

2, low thermal resistance advantage

The system thermal resistance of traditional SMD packaging application is: chipsolid crystal gelsolder jointsolder pastecopper foilinsulation layeraluminum material. COB package system thermal resistance: chipsolid crystal gelaluminum. The system thermal resistance of COB package is much lower than that of traditional SMD package, which greatly improves the life of LED.  

.  3, light quality advantage

Traditional SMD packages attach multiple discrete components to THE PCB in the form of patches to form light source components for LED applications, which has problems of spot light, glare and glow-out. COB packaging is integrated packaging, is a surface light source, the advantage is a large Angle of view and easy to adjust, reduce the loss of light refraction

Daw'r canlyniadau cyfieithu uchod o gymhariaeth brawddeg wrth frawddeg Youdao Neural Network Translation (YNMT).

ffôn symudol 3

Are LED lights more energy efficient than LED Neon Light?

Are LED lights more energy efficient than LED Neon Light?

Which saves more energy, CFLS or LEDS?  

By contrast, LED lights are more energy-efficient, more energy efficient and more technologically advanced. No matter from brightness or energy saving aspects are superior to energy-saving lamps. Worth recommending to buy, more electricity safety.  

What is the difference between LEDS and CFLS?  Which is more energy efficient?  

Energy-saving lamp and LED as we are more common in the market two kinds of lamps, we choose up inevitably will have some confusion, energy-saving lamp and LED lamp which good? What is the difference between CFLS and LEDS? Let’s get a fuller picture of CFLS and LEDS.

Mae prif ddeunydd goleuol lampau arbed ynni yn dal i fod yn wifren twngsten. Yr egwyddor yw y bydd electronau'n cael eu cynhyrchu ar ôl i'r wifren twngsten gael ei hegnioli a'i gynhesu, a bydd rhai dulliau technegol yn cael eu defnyddio i gyflymu electronau. Mae CFLS wedi'u cynllunio i gael tiwb gwactod wedi'i lenwi â mercwri, neu fercwri. Mae'r electronau carlam yn rhyngweithio â'r atomau mercwri anweddedig i gynhyrchu golau uwchfioled. Mae deunydd fflwroleuol wedi'i orchuddio yn y tiwb o lamp arbed ynni, ac mae golau uwchfioled yn taro'r deunydd fflwroleuol i gynhyrchu golau.  

Mae lamp LED trwy gyfres gleiniau lamp LED neu gyfochrog, mae'r glain lamp LED hyn yn cynnwys LED, o dan weithred sglodion cylched integredig bydd cyflenwad pŵer c i mewn i foltedd, cyfredol a set LED cyfateb DC, er mwyn bodloni gofynion cynulliad gleiniau lamp LED, fel y gall golau arferol.  

Nid yw lampau LED yn cynhyrchu sŵn ac maent yn cael eu ffafrio mewn mannau lle defnyddir offerynnau electronig cain. Addas ar gyfer llyfrgelloedd, swyddfeydd, pethau felly. Mae'r golau yn ysgafn ac yn cynnal y llygaid. Mae lampau fflworoleuol confensiynol yn rhedeg ar gerrynt eiledol, felly maent yn cynhyrchu hyd at un strôb yr eiliad. Mae lampau LED yn trosi cerrynt ALLWEDDOL i gerrynt uniongyrchol, dim fflachiad, cynnal a chadw llygaid.  

Mae lampau arbed ynni cyffredin yn cynnwys elfennau mercwri. Os caiff y bwlb ei ddifrodi, bydd yn effeithio ar ddiogelwch pobl. Y bywyd cyfartalog yw blwyddyn. Fodd bynnag, Mae LED CFLS i gyd yn luminescent solet, ffynhonnell golau oer solet, pecyn resin epocsi, bywyd gwasanaeth o hyd at bum mlynedd, 10 gwaith yn fwy na CFLS. Ar ôl ei osod, ni chaiff ei ddisodli ar gyfer 5 mlynedd. Mae'r ymddangosiad yn fonheddig, hyfryd a hael. Ac mae lliw lamp arbed ynni LED hefyd yn gyfoethog iawn, ond hefyd wedi sioc, diddos, diogelu'r amgylchedd a swyddogaethau eraill.