
Kuidas paigaldada COB LED ribavalgusti?

Kuidas paigaldada COB LED ribavalgusti?

What is the installation method of LED car light strip

Second step: then you can take electricity on the lamp holder of the width lamp, but to distinguish the positive and negative poles, it is best to use the electric pen quantity, the bright is the positive pole, if you want to improve the life, you can series an ohm resistor on the lamp set to limit the current, to prevent the lamp set by the mutation of high voltage breakdown.

Samm 3:  Article LED car light installation is mounted on the front bumper can intake grid, even the good line, the use of hot melt adhesive sealing in waterproof and wheels to each tire off, put article LED auto light to the part of the brake pads, there should be a place to fixed, looking is what car, along with the parts of the site, as long as can be fixed in a circle, very simple,  Can get online first look for the structure chart of your car, so be sure of a few.  

Samm 4:  Electricity pen to find small car lights line, shut off the small lights, pencil is not bright, open the small light electric pen on, finding the line after the main article LED car light the connected and the negative electrode wire can meet the headlight assembly negative line also can directly take iron, it doesn’t matter, wrapped in electrical tape or heat shrinkable tube, to mend junctions, fixed good article LED car light, complete,  The small light line is in the headlamp assembly wiring harness, open the boot cover and look behind the headlamp.  

Led lamp wiring diagram

The steps for connecting LED lights are as follows:  

1, first install the current limiting resistor on the negative pole of the power line.  

2, then separate the positive and negative lines of the LED lamp belt.  

3. Remove the positive pole line of the LED lamp belt with a peeling device.  

4, stripped LED lamp positive line. As shown in the figure below.  

5. Connect the negative pole line of the power supply with the positive pole line of the LED lamp strip.  

6. Then connect the negative lead of THE LED with the current limiting resistor.  

7. After completing the above steps, the wiring of the LED lamp is completed.  

8. Lõpuks, open the LED light switch for testing, and find that the LED light is on and the wiring process is correct.

Ülaltoodud tõlketulemused pärinevad Youdao Neural Network Translationi (YNMT) lause-lausete võrdlusest


SMD ja COB LED-ribavalgusti Mis vahe on?

SMD ja COB LED-ribavalgusti Mis vahe on?

What is the difference between coB downlights and LED downlights

1. Different technology

Leds are solid-state semiconductor devices that convert electricity directly into light. Led, as the third generation of lighting technology after incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp, has the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, safety and reliability.  

Cob light source is directly attached to the led chip high reflective rate of mirror surface of high photosynthetic efficiency of metal substrate integrated light source technology, the technology to eliminate the concept of stents, electroless plating, reflow soldering, SMT process, so the process to reduce by almost a third, cost savings by a third, popular terms is more advanced than led lights, and the lamp that shield an eye.  

2. Different lighting

Led lights can save energy, environmental protection, no strobotron no ULTRAVIOLET radiation, the disadvantage is blue light harm. Cob lamp high color rendering, light color close to natural color, no stroboscopic, no glare, no electromagnetic radiation, no ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, can protect eyes and skin.  

Cob advantages

1. Advantages of production and manufacturing efficiency

The production process of COB packaging is basically the same as that of traditional SMD production process. The efficiency of COB packaging is basically the same as that of SMD packaging in the process of solid crystal and welding line. Kuid, the efficiency of COB packaging is much higher than that of SMD products in dispensing, separation, splitting and packaging.  

The labor and manufacturing cost of traditional SMD packaging is about 15% of the material cost, while the labor and manufacturing cost of COB packaging is about 10% of the material cost. With COB packaging, the labor and manufacturing cost can be saved by 5%.  

2, low thermal resistance advantage

The system thermal resistance of traditional SMD packaging application is: chipsolid crystal gelsolder jointsolder pastecopper foilinsulation layeraluminum material. COB package system thermal resistance: chipsolid crystal gelaluminum. The system thermal resistance of COB package is much lower than that of traditional SMD package, which greatly improves the life of LED.  

.  3, light quality advantage

Traditional SMD packages attach multiple discrete components to THE PCB in the form of patches to form light source components for LED applications, which has problems of spot light, glare and glow-out. COB packaging is integrated packaging, is a surface light source, the advantage is a large Angle of view and easy to adjust, reduce the loss of light refraction

Ülaltoodud tõlketulemused pärinevad Youdao Neural Network Translationi (YNMT) lause-lausete võrdlusest

mobiiltelefon 3

Kas LED-tuled on energiasäästlikumad kui LED-neoonvalgustid?

Kas LED-tuled on energiasäästlikumad kui LED-neoonvalgustid?

Mis säästab rohkem energiat, CFLS või LED-id?  

Seevastu, LED-tuled on energiasäästlikumad, energiatõhusam ja tehnoloogiliselt arenenum. Olenemata heleduse või energiasäästu aspektidest on need energiasäästulambid paremad. Tasub soovitada osta, suurem elektriohutus.  

Mis vahe on LED-idel ja CFLS-il??  Kumb on energiasäästlikum?  

Energiasäästlik lamp ja LED, kuna turul on rohkem levinud kahte tüüpi lampe, kui me valime, tekib paratamatult mõningane segadus, energiasäästulamp ja LED-lamp, mis on hea? Mis vahe on CFLS-il ja LED-idel?? Saame täielikuma pildi CFLS-ist ja LED-idest.

Säästulampide peamine valgusmaterjal on endiselt volframtraat. Põhimõte seisneb selles, et pärast volframtraadi pingestamist ja kuumutamist tekivad elektronid, ja elektronide kiirendamiseks kasutatakse teatud tehnilisi vahendeid. CFLS on mõeldud elavhõbedaga täidetud vaakumtoru jaoks, või elavhõbedat. Kiirendatud elektronid interakteeruvad aurustunud elavhõbeda aatomitega, tekitades ultraviolettvalgust. Fluorestseeruv materjal on kaetud energiasäästulambi toruga, ja ultraviolettvalgus tabab fluorestseeruvat materjali, et tekitada valgust.  

LED-lamp on läbi LED-lambi helmeste seeria või paralleelselt, see LED-lambi rant koosneb LED-ist, integraallülituse kiibi toimel muutub vahelduvvoolu toiteallika pingeks, vool ja LED-komplekt sobivad alalisvooluga, LED-lambi helmeste komplekti nõuete täitmiseks, et see saaks normaalselt valgustada.  

LED-lambid ei tekita müra ja on eelistatud kohtades, kus kasutatakse peeneid elektroonilisi instrumente. Sobib raamatukogudele, kontorid, sellised asjad. Valgus on õrn ja hoiab silmi. Tavalised luminofoorlambid töötavad vahelduvvoolul, nii et nad tekitavad kuni ühe strobe sekundis. LED-lambid muudavad VAHENDUSvoolu alalisvooluks, ei mingit virvendust, silmade hooldus.  

Tavalised säästulambid sisaldavad elavhõbedaelemente. Kui pirn on kahjustatud, see mõjutab inimeste turvalisust. Keskmine eluiga on üks aasta. Kuid, LED CFLS on kõik tahke luminestsents, kindel külma valgusallikas, epoksüvaigu pakend, kasutusiga kuni viis aastat, 10 korda võrreldes CFLS-iga. Pärast installimist, seda ei asendata 5 aastat. Välimus on üllas, uhke ja helde. Ja LED-säästulambi värv on samuti väga rikkalik, kuid on ka põrutuskindel, veekindel, keskkonnakaitse ja muud funktsioonid.