
Wéi vill LEDs sinn an engem COB LED Strip Light?

Wéi vill LEDs sinn an engem COB LED Strip Light?

How many beads do LED lights have in general?  

Mainly about the traditional lamp belt, the number of commonly used lamp beads are: 60 beads/meters, beads/meters, beads/meters, beads/meters!  

The more beads, the closer the arrangement between the beads, the brighter the lamp belt.  

If your home lamp belt is hidden installation, you can choose less beads, if it is an open lamp belt, it is recommended to use the lamp groove, and choose at least one meter of light, so that the light effect will be more ideal. And the lamp belt also has single row, double row of points.  

Led soft light bar Specifications Difference between LED soft light bar and LED hard light bar

Led soft strip is a relatively advanced lighting lighting in the lighting industry at present. Led soft strip is mainly based on the flexible circuit board made of polyimide PI substrate as the carrier, and is installed into the high-brightness LED emitter chip through series and parallel circuit design, and then connected to the power supply to control the lighting effect. And LED soft light strip is also a kind of LED lamp belt. Led soft strip his characteristics are also very obvious, such as flexible circuit board, good stability, very low power consumption, héich Effizienz, and the length can also be controlled by itself. So LED soft strip is widely used in many industries.  

Led soft strip specifications

According to the luminous color, there are often monochrome bright light belt, monochrome dark light belt, three-color light belt, colorful light belt;  

According to the size specifications are often *, *, *8mm, *7mm, *6mm, *5mm, *8mm, *6mm, *5mm, *4mm and other types;  

According to the overall packaging classification: waterproof type, bare type;  

According to the circuit board surface process classification: OSP oxidation resistance type, gold sink process type;  

According to the circuit board other process classification: large area sensitive white oil type, large area hot solid white oil type, large area sensitive black oil type, large area hot solid black oil type.  

FlexLightBar. This is the English name of LED soft light strip, which means flexible light strip. And Chinese LED soft light strip is the same thing, but the name is different.  

Led soft strip price

Often with the flexible circuit board made of polyimide PI substrate as the carrier, through the series and parallel circuit design of high brightness LED luminescent chip, with the connection of power supply and light emitting program controller to achieve a variety of dazzling lighting effects of LED lamp belt, called LED soft strip.  

Thermal conductivity double-sided tape LED light strip: ¥11/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

One meter 54 lamp RGB full color running horse: ¥47/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

Patch LED soft strip: ¥22/ meter (price source network, for reference only)  

Drip sleeve LED soft light bar: ¥14.6/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

Shenzhen spot hot soft light bar: ¥8/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

LED soft light strip and LED hard light strip difference

1, LED hard strip is made of PCB hard board assembly circuit board, LED useful patch LED assembly, also useful direct plug LED assembly, depending on the need for different components. The advantages of hard strip are relatively easy to fix, processing and installation are more convenient;  The disadvantage is that it cannot be bent at will and is not suitable for irregular places. There are 60 LED and 72 LED patches for hard lamp strips.  

2, the flexible LED lamp belt is made of FPC as the assembly circuit board, with the SMT LED assembly, so that the thickness of the product is only the thickness of a coin, does not take up space;  The general specifications are 30 LED, 60 LED, LED, etc., different users have different specifications. And can be cut at will, can also be arbitrarily extended and light is not affected. FPC is a soft material that can be bent, folded and wound at will, and can be moved and expanded in three dimensions without breaking. It is suitable for irregular places and narrow Spaces, and can be arbitrarily bent and wound, suitable for any combination of patterns in advertising decoration.  

Led soft light strip is a very common light source in our life, in advertising signs, three-dimensional luminous words, advertising light box, car taillights, headlights, special clothing, mobile phone background light and signal sensor light are used. And LED soft light strip can be divided into monochrome light belt, monochrome dark light belt, three-color light belt, colorful light belt, and he is also very convenient to install, but when you install it, we must do a good job of waterproof work, and the lamps and lanterns in the installation to reinforce, the interface should also do a good job of waterproof work. In addition, we must pay attention to his safety performance when we choose and buy.

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Wat ass déi bescht COB LED Strip Light Fabréck aus China?

Wat ass déi bescht COB LED Strip Light Fabréck aus China?

Huizhou AMOWO Industrial Co., Ltd.

AMOWO Industrial Co., Ltd. ass e professionnelle Hiersteller. Spezialiséiert fir LED Beliichtung ze maachen, mat 10 Joer Export Erfahrung.Mir bezuelen méi Opmierksamkeet op Produit Qualitéit. Mat perfekt Gestioun System, qualifizéiert technesch Personal a kreativ R&D Equipe, mir kënnen Mooss-feieren Produite mat Client Ufuerderunge, and provide OEM service.We will like to cooperate with partners all over the world, op der Basis vu Gläichheet a géigesäitege Virdeeler. Eis Produkter ginn an Europa exportéiert, Nordamerika, Asien, Mëttleren Osten an aner Regiounen. Mir kënnen Iech vun der Qualitéit versécheren, gënschteg Konditiounen a Kreditt. Mir kënnen déi zefriddensten OEM Servicer an der kuerzer Zäit no Clienten ubidden’ Ufuerderunge. AMOWO insistéiert op der “Produiten, Service, berufflech, konzentréiert” Affär Philosophie. Eist exzellent Verkafsteam ass ëmmer zu Ärem Service!

Cob Lamp Gürtel an LED Luucht Gürtel déi gutt

LED Luucht fillt sech besser, mat héijer Hellegkeet a Stabilitéit

Lampe Perlen Hiersteller recommandéiert

Cob Sträif Muecht

Cob Lamp Gürtel Muecht ze tëscht Watts. D'COB an der LED Lampe bezitt sech op d'COB Liichtquell, déi an der LED Lampe benotzt gëtt. ChipOnboard steet fir COB Liichtquell. Cob Liichtquell ass eng integréiert Uewerflächeliichtquelltechnologie déi den LED Chip direkt op de Spigelmetallsubstrat mat héijer reflektéierender Taux pastest.  

Lampe Gürtel ee Meter Kraaft – zwischen Watt, all Meter op de klenge Pärelen net manner wéi 30 Intervalle 3 Zentimeter, 15 Meter ass no bei, mat LED Liichtjoer emittéiert Diode, all Muecht 0.05 watts, also eng total Muecht vun 25 watts, wéi gewéinlech kleng Perlen, all Perle Muecht iwwer 0.2 zu 0.3 watts.  

Dëse Pabeier presentéiert haaptsächlech

  Natierlech, et enthält och flexibel Luuchte Gürtel an haarde Lampe Gürtel.  

FlexLEDStrip, Dëst ass den englesche Numm vum flexiblen LED Liichtstreifen, Flex an der Google Iwwersetzung ass flexibel, an Yahoo Iwwersetzung ass konduktiv Drot, mä déi auslännesch Clienten soen FlexLEDStrip ass wat mir flexibel LED Liichtjoer Sträif nennen.  

Wéi eng Mark vun COB Liichtquelle huet gutt Qualitéit?  

Firwat schéngt COB Liicht Sträif ongläiche hell Phänomen

Ongläiche Liichtstreifen, haaptsächlech am Zesummenhang mat der Linn Design, der Luucht Sträif huet eng maximal Verbindung Längt, no der Notzung vun der fueren Energieversuergung, ass konstante Spannungsversuergung oder konstante Stroumversuergung, déi maximal Verbindung Längt vun der Linn Effekt ze berechnen, kann suergen, datt d'LED Sträif am Liicht wann d'Konsequenz.

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Wéi installéiert d'COB LED Sträif Liicht?

Wéi installéiert d'COB LED Sträif Liicht?

Wat ass d'Installatiounsmethod vum LED Auto Liichtstreifen

Zweet Schrëtt: da kënnt Dir Stroum op de Lampehalter vun der Breetlampe huelen, awer fir déi positiv an negativ Pole z'ënnerscheeden, et ass am beschten déi elektresch Pen Quantitéit ze benotzen, déi hell ass de positiven Pol, wann Dir d'Liewen verbesseren wëllt, Dir kënnt en Ohm Resistor op der Lampe setzen fir de Stroum ze limitéieren, fir d'Lampe ze verhënneren, déi duerch d'Mutatioun vum Héichspannungsofbroch gesat gëtt.

Schrëtt 3:  Artikel LED Auto Liichtjoer Installatioun ass op der viischter Bumper kann Intake Gitter montéiert, souguer déi gutt Linn, d'Benotzung vun waarm Schmelze Kliewefolie Versiegelung an waasserdicht an Rieder op all Pneuen ugefaangen, setzen Artikel LED Auto Luucht op den Deel vun der Brems- Pads, et soll eng Plaz ginn fir ze fixéieren, kucken ass wat Auto, zesumme mat den Deeler vum Site, soulaang wéi kann an engem Krees fixéiert ginn, ganz einfach,  Kënnt online éischt kucken fir d'Struktur Diagramm vun Ärem Auto, also sécher op e puer.  

Schrëtt 4:  Elektrizitéit Pen fir kleng Auto Luuchten Linn ze fannen, déi kleng Luuchten ausschalten, Bläistëft ass net hell, oppen déi kleng Liichtjoer elektresch Pen op, fannen d'Linn nom Haaptartikel LED Auto Luucht de verbonnen an den negativen Elektroden Drot kann d'Scheinwerferversammlung treffen negativ Linn och kann direkt Eisen huelen, et ass egal, gewéckelt an elektresche Band oder Hëtzt shrinkable Rouer, Kräizung ze reparéieren, fix gutt Artikel LED Auto Luucht, komplett,  Déi kleng Liichtlinn ass an der Luuchtversammlung Drot, oppen der Stiwwel Cover a kucken hannert der headlamp.  

Led Luuchte Kabeldiagramm

D'Schrëtt fir LED Luuchten ze verbannen sinn wéi follegt:  

1, Installéiert éischt de Stroumbegrenzungsresistor op den negativen Pol vun der Stroumleitung.  

2, trennt dann déi positiv an negativ Linnen vum LED-Lampegurt.  

3. Ewechzehuelen der positiv Pole Linn vun der LED Luucht Gürtel mat engem Peeling Apparat.  

4, gestreift LED Lampe positiv Linn. Wéi an der Figur ënnendrënner gewisen.  

5. Connectéiert d'negativ Polelinn vun der Energieversuergung mat der positiver Polelinn vum LED-Lampestreifen.  

6. Da verbënnt den negativen Lead vun der LED mat dem Stroumbegrenzungsresistor.  

7. Nodeems Dir déi uewe genannte Schrëtt ofgeschloss hutt, d'Verkabelung vun der LED Lampe ass ofgeschloss.  

8. Endlech, öffnen de LED Liichtschalter fir ze testen, a feststellen datt d'LED Luucht op ass an de Verkabelungsprozess richteg ass.

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SMD a COB LED Strip Light Wat ass den Ënnerscheed?

SMD a COB LED Strip Light Wat ass den Ënnerscheed?

What is the difference between coB downlights and LED downlights

1. Different technology

Leds are solid-state semiconductor devices that convert electricity directly into light. Led, as the third generation of lighting technology after incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp, has the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, safety and reliability.  

Cob light source is directly attached to the led chip high reflective rate of mirror surface of high photosynthetic efficiency of metal substrate integrated light source technology, the technology to eliminate the concept of stents, electroless plating, reflow soldering, SMT process, so the process to reduce by almost a third, cost savings by a third, popular terms is more advanced than led lights, and the lamp that shield an eye.  

2. Different lighting

Led lights can save energy, environmental protection, no strobotron no ULTRAVIOLET radiation, the disadvantage is blue light harm. Cob lamp high color rendering, light color close to natural color, no stroboscopic, no glare, no electromagnetic radiation, no ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, can protect eyes and skin.  

Cob advantages

1. Advantages of production and manufacturing efficiency

The production process of COB packaging is basically the same as that of traditional SMD production process. The efficiency of COB packaging is basically the same as that of SMD packaging in the process of solid crystal and welding line. However, the efficiency of COB packaging is much higher than that of SMD products in dispensing, separation, splitting and packaging.  

The labor and manufacturing cost of traditional SMD packaging is about 15% of the material cost, while the labor and manufacturing cost of COB packaging is about 10% of the material cost. With COB packaging, the labor and manufacturing cost can be saved by 5%.  

2, low thermal resistance advantage

The system thermal resistance of traditional SMD packaging application is: chipsolid crystal gelsolder jointsolder pastecopper foilinsulation layeraluminum material. COB package system thermal resistance: chipsolid crystal gelaluminum. The system thermal resistance of COB package is much lower than that of traditional SMD package, which greatly improves the life of LED.  

.  3, light quality advantage

Traditional SMD packages attach multiple discrete components to THE PCB in the form of patches to form light source components for LED applications, which has problems of spot light, glare and glow-out. COB packaging is integrated packaging, is a surface light source, the advantage is a large Angle of view and easy to adjust, reduce the loss of light refraction

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