LED lentes gaisma Kas padara labu kvalitāti ?
LED lamp with what brand good lamp strip what brand is good
Although it is not dare to say that LED lights with top ten brands, but the quality is also great.
It is said that Fengrong used to be OEM for big brands.
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LED lamp belt brand
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LED lamp belt brand
Fengrong light belt, the led industry registered brand, the founder focused on led field for more than 10 gadiem. Fengrong is a professional company focusing on wholesale and retail LED light belt, and undertake engineering lighting services.
[Features and main advantages of Banyan LED light belt]1, LED lamp belt service life is very long, can ensure a long time in the outdoor continuous use.
2, LED lamp belt has many colors, can be controlled through the program, so that the light becomes very colorful.
3, LED lamp belt has a good waterproof and shockproof effect, do not worry about the sun and rain caused by lamp damage.
4, LED lamp belt installation is very convenient, eliminating the tedious installation steps, save the installation cost. And conducive to update maintenance.
5, LED lamp belt is more energy saving than traditional LED lamp belt, large area of long time use can save objective electricity consumption for the city, green environmental protection.
[Fengrong LED lamp belt product advantages]1, energy saving, small heat;

2, good color consistency, large luminous Angle;
3, gara dzīve, maintenance-free;
4, the product is light and thin, suitable for installation in a narrow space;
5, the back of the LED lamp belt is affixed with double-sided adhesive, convenient installation and modeling;
6, good flexibility, can be bent at will will not break, var saliekt dažādās formās;
7, krāsa ir tīri maiga un krāšņa, bet arī var pielāgot atbilstoši dažādu krāsu vai transformācijas prasībām;
8, zems spriegums (enerģijas padeve), var nodrošināt personīgās drošības izmantošanu;
9, katrs 3 LED grupai, katru grupu var izgriezt, neietekmējot citu grupu normālu izmantošanu, ērta uzstādīšana.
[Fengrong LED lampas jostas pielietojuma joma]1, mājas dekorēšana (kāpņu apgaismojums, halles koridora apgaismojums, apgaismojuma dekorēšana, malu āķa dekorēšana);
2, viesnīcas, bāri, KTV, nakts klubu un citu izklaides vietu apdares apgaismojums;
3, auto šasijas apdare, augsta bremžu indikācija, ķermeņa dekorēšana, iekšējā apdare;
4. Ceļa norāde un ārsienu kontūru apdare, izgaismots stenda apgaismojums, reklāmas izkārtnes, kanālu signāla zīmes, utt.;
5, ēkas tornis, tilts, parka laukuma kontūra, ēkas apgaismojuma apdare, visa veida iekštelpu un āra apgaismojuma projekti;
6, festivāla dekorēšana, aktivitātes norises vietas iestatījums, izstāžu vietas dekorēšana, izstāžu zāles dekorēšana, vitrīna, logs, rekvizīti un citi dekoratīvā apgaismojuma pielietojumi.