
Me pehea te whakauru i te rama rama COB LED?

Me pehea te whakauru i te rama rama COB LED?

What is the installation method of LED car light strip

Second step: then you can take electricity on the lamp holder of the width lamp, but to distinguish the positive and negative poles, it is best to use the electric pen quantity, the bright is the positive pole, if you want to improve the life, you can series an ohm resistor on the lamp set to limit the current, to prevent the lamp set by the mutation of high voltage breakdown.

Hipanga 3:  Article LED car light installation is mounted on the front bumper can intake grid, even the good line, the use of hot melt adhesive sealing in waterproof and wheels to each tire off, put article LED auto light to the part of the brake pads, there should be a place to fixed, looking is what car, along with the parts of the site, as long as can be fixed in a circle, very simple,  Can get online first look for the structure chart of your car, so be sure of a few.  

Hipanga 4:  Electricity pen to find small car lights line, shut off the small lights, pencil is not bright, open the small light electric pen on, finding the line after the main article LED car light the connected and the negative electrode wire can meet the headlight assembly negative line also can directly take iron, it doesn’t matter, wrapped in electrical tape or heat shrinkable tube, to mend junctions, fixed good article LED car light, complete,  The small light line is in the headlamp assembly wiring harness, open the boot cover and look behind the headlamp.  

Led lamp wiring diagram

The steps for connecting LED lights are as follows:  

1, first install the current limiting resistor on the negative pole of the power line.  

2, then separate the positive and negative lines of the LED lamp belt.  

3. Remove the positive pole line of the LED lamp belt with a peeling device.  

4, stripped LED lamp positive line. As shown in the figure below.  

5. Connect the negative pole line of the power supply with the positive pole line of the LED lamp strip.  

6. Then connect the negative lead of THE LED with the current limiting resistor.  

7. After completing the above steps, the wiring of the LED lamp is completed.  

8. Ka mutu, open the LED light switch for testing, and find that the LED light is on and the wiring process is correct.

Ko nga hua whakamaoritanga i runga ake nei i ahu mai i te Youdao Neural Network Translation (YNMT) whakataurite-a-rereanga


SMD me te COB LED Strip Light He aha te rereke?

SMD me te COB LED Strip Light He aha te rereke?

He aha te rereketanga i waenga i nga rama whakaheke coB me nga rama whakaheke LED

1. Hangarau rereke

Ko nga Leds he taputapu semiconductor totika e huri tika ana te hiko ki te marama. Arataki, hei reanga tuatoru o te hangarau rama i muri i te rama rama me te rama rama, kei a ia nga ahuatanga o te penapena hiko, tiaki taiao, te haumaru me te pono.  

Ko te puna marama o te Cob e piri tika ana ki te maramara arahina te reiti whakaata teitei o te mata whakaata o te tino pai o te hanga whakaahua o te taputapu whakarewa whakarewa hangarau puna marama., te hangarau ki te whakakore i te ariā o te stent, whakakikorua korehiko, reflow soring, tukanga SMT, na te tukanga ki te whakaiti tata ki te tuatoru, penapena utu ma te tuatoru, Ko nga kupu rongonui he pai ake i nga rama arahina, me te rama hei whakamarumaru i te kanohi.  

2. Nga rama rereke

Ka taea e nga rama arahina te whakaora i te kaha, tiaki taiao, kahore he strobotron kahore he hihi ULTRAVIOLET, Ko te kino he kino te marama kikorangi. Rama Cob whakaatu tae teitei, tae marama tata ki te tae maori, kahore he stroboscopic, kahore he kanapa, kore iraruke hiko, kahore he hihi ultraviolet, iraruke infrared, ka taea te tiaki i nga kanohi me te kiri.  

Nga painga toka

1. Nga painga o te whakaputa me te whai hua o te hanga

Ko te tikanga whakangao o te kohinga COB he rite tonu ki tera o nga tikanga whakaputa SMD tuku iho. Ko te kaha o te kohinga COB he rite tonu ki tera o te kete SMD i roto i te mahi o te karaihe totoka me te raina whakapiri. Heoi ano, Ko te pai o te kohinga COB he nui ake i tera o nga hua SMD i te tohatoha, wehenga, te wehenga me te takai.  

Ko te utu mo te mahi me te hangahanga o nga kohinga SMD tuku iho 15% o te utu rauemi, i te wa e tata ana te utu mo te mahi me te hangahanga o te kohinga COB 10% o te utu rauemi. Me te kohinga COB, ka taea te whakaora i te utu mo te mahi me te hangahanga 5%.  

2, painga ātete waiariki iti

Ko te punaha whakamarumaru o te tono whakangao SMD tuku iho: maramara – kiri tioata totoka – hononga solder – whakapiri konuhono – pepa parahi – apa whakamatao – rauemi konumohe. Pūnaha mōkihi COB ātete waiariki: maramara – kiri tioata totoka – konumohe. He iti ake te parenga waiariki o te kete COB i tera o te kete SMD tuku iho, e tino whakapai ake i te ora o te LED.  

.  3, painga kounga marama

Ko nga kohinga SMD tawhito e hono ana i nga waahanga motuhake maha ki te PCB i roto i te ahua o nga papanga hei hanga i nga waahanga puna marama mo nga tono LED., he raruraru o te rama rama, kanapa me te kanapa. Ko te kohinga COB he kohinga whakauru, he puna marama mata, ko te painga he Koki nui o te tirohanga me te ngawari ki te whakatika, whakaiti i te ngaronga o te hurihanga marama

Ko nga hua whakamaoritanga i runga ake nei i ahu mai i te Youdao Neural Network Translation (YNMT) whakataurite-a-rereanga

waea pūkoro 3

He pai ake te kaha o nga rama LED i te Maama Neon LED?

He pai ake te kaha o nga rama LED i te Maama Neon LED?

Ka whakaora ake te kaha, CFLS LEDS ranei?  

Ma te rereke, He pai ake nga rama LED, he pai ake te kaha o te kaha me te hangarau ake. Ahakoa mai i te kanapa me nga waahanga whakaora hiko he pai ake i nga rama whakaora hiko. He pai ki te taunaki ki te hoko, atu te haumaru hiko.  

He aha te rereketanga i waenga i nga LED me te CFLS?  Ko tehea te kaha ake o te kaha?  

Rama-whakaora me te LED i te mea he nui ake taatau i te maakete e rua nga momo rama, ka whiriwhiria e tatou ka kore e kore ka raruraru, rama whakaora pūngao me te rama arahina e pai? He aha te rereketanga i waenga i te CFLS me te LED? Let’s get a fuller picture of CFLS and LEDS.

The main luminous material of energy-saving lamps is still tungsten wire. The principle is that electrons will be generated after the tungsten wire is energized and heated, and certain technical means will be used to accelerate electrons. CFLS are designed to have a vacuum tube filled with mercury, or mercury. The accelerated electrons interact with the evaporated mercury atoms to produce ultraviolet light. Fluorescent material is coated in the tube of energy-saving lamp, and ultraviolet light hits the fluorescent material to produce light.  

LED lamp is through a LED lamp bead series or parallel, these LED lamp bead is composed of LED, under the action of integrated circuit chip will be ac power supply into voltage, current and LED set matching DC, in order to meet the requirements of LED lamp bead assembly, so that it can normal light.  

LED lamps do not produce noise and are preferred in places where fine electronic instruments are used. Suitable for libraries, offices, things like that. The light is gentle and maintains the eyes. Conventional fluorescent lamps run on alternating current, so they produce up to one strobe per second. LED lamps convert ALTERNATING current to direct current, no flicker, eye maintenance.  

Ordinary energy-saving lamps contain mercury elements. If the bulb is damaged, it will affect people’s safety. The average life is one year. However, LED CFLS are all solid luminescent, solid cold light source, mōkihi kapia epoxy, te ora ratonga ki runga ki te rima tau, 10 He maha nga wa o te CFLS. Kia tāuta, e kore e whakakapia mo 5 tau. He rangatira te ahua, ataahua me te atawhai. A he tino taonga ano hoki te tae rama rama whakaora hiko, engari he awangawanga hoki, parewai, tiaki taiao me etahi atu mahi.