
Ko te rama rama arahina he aha te kounga pai ?

Ko te rama rama arahina he aha te kounga pai ?

LED lamp with what brand good lamp strip what brand is good

Although it is not dare to say that LED lights with top ten brands, but the quality is also great.

It is said that Fengrong used to be OEM for big brands.

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LED lamp belt brand

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LED lamp belt brand

Fengrong light belt, the led industry registered brand, the founder focused on led field for more than 10 tau. Fengrong is a professional company focusing on wholesale and retail LED light belt, and undertake engineering lighting services.

[Features and main advantages of Banyan LED light belt]

1, LED lamp belt service life is very long, can ensure a long time in the outdoor continuous use.

2, LED lamp belt has many colors, can be controlled through the program, so that the light becomes very colorful.

3, Ko te whitiki rama LED he pai te parewai me te awangawanga ohorere, kaua e manukanuka ki te ra me te ua na te kino o te rama.

4, He tino watea te whakaurunga o te whitiki rama rama, te whakakore i nga mahi whakaurunga hoha, tiakina te utu whakaurunga. A he pai ki te whakahou i te tiaki.

5, Ko te whitiki rama rama he nui ake te penapena hiko atu i te whitiki rama LED tuku iho, Ko te waahi nui mo te wa roa ka taea te penapena hiko mo te taone nui, tiaki taiao matomato.

[Fengrong rama rama whitiki hua painga]

1, whakaora pūngao, wera iti;

2, pai te rite o te tae, Koki marama nui;

3, ora roa, tiaki-kore;

4, he marama, he kikokore te hua, he pai mo te whakaurunga ki tetahi waahi whaiti;

5, ko te tuara o te whitiki rama LED he mea whakapiri ki te whakapiri taha-rua, he pai te whakaurunga me te whakatauira;

6, ngawari pai, Ka taea te piko ki te hiahia e kore e pakaru, can be bent into a variety of shapes;

7, the color is pure soft and gorgeous, but also can be customized according to the requirements of various colors or transformation;

8, low voltage (power supply), can ensure the use of personal safety;

9, each 3 LED for a group, each group can be cut without affecting the normal use of other groups, convenient installation.

[Application scope of Fengrong LED lamp belt]

1, home decoration (stair lighting, hall corridor lighting, lighting decoration, edge hook decoration);

2, hotels, bars, KTV, night clubs and other entertainment places decoration lighting;

3, car chassis decoration, high brake indication, body decoration, interior decoration;

4. Path indication and exterior wall outline decoration, backlit billboard lighting, advertising signs, channel signal signs, etc.;

5, building tower, bridge, park square contour, building lighting decoration, all kinds of indoor and outdoor lighting projects;

6, festival decoration, activity venue setting, exhibition venue decoration, exhibition hall decoration, showcase, window, props and other applications of decorative lighting.

Pukoro 4

He aha te tukanga o te hanga rama riu LED?

He aha te tukanga o te hanga rama riu LED?

He aha te tukanga whakaputa LED
He aha te tukanga hanga maramara LED?
Inaa he tino uaua te mahi angiangi epitaxial, i te whakaaturanga i muri i te angiangi epitaxial, ka timata ki te LED angiangi epitaxial mahi hiko i muri (P, N), katahi ka tiimata ki te whakamahi miihini laser mo te tapahi i te wafer epitaxial LED (i mua LED epitaxial angiangi te nuinga whakamahi taimana tapahi maripi), hanga ki te maramara, i nga waahi rereke i roto i te angiangi i runga i te tangohanga o nga tawhā whakamatautau e iwa.

  1. Te nuinga whakamatautau i te ngaohiko, te roangaru me te kanapa o nga angiangi ka taea te tutuki i nga tawhā paerewa tuku noa ka haere tonu ki te mahi ka whai ake. Mena karekau te whakamatautau iwa ira e tutuki i nga whakaritenga e tika ana, ka waiho nga angiangi ki te taha mo tetahi atu mahi.
    2, angiangi tapahia ki maramara, % tirohanga tirohanga (VI/VC), me whakamahi e te kaiwhakahaere karukaropi whakanui 30 nga wa mo te tirohanga tirohanga.
    3, ka whakamahi whakarōpū aunoa rite ki ngaohiko rerekē, roangaru, tawhā matapae wherikotanga o te maramara ki te kowhiringa aunoa, whakamātautau me te whakarōpūtanga.
  2. Ka mutu, taki (VC) ka tapaina te maramara LED. Ko te waahi maramara me noho ki waenganui o te kiriata puru, me te nuinga o nga maramara kei runga i te kiriata puru, engari ko te maha o nga maramara mo ia kiriata puru kaua e iti iho i nga maramara, me te momo maramara, tau rota, me tuhi nga tatauranga inenga nui me te whakaahua hiko ki te tapanga e piri ana ki muri o te pepa waxy. The chips on the blue film will undergo the final visual inspection according to the same standards as the first visual inspection to ensure that the chips are neatly arranged and of good quality. This makes LED chips (collectively known as squares on the market at present).
    In the process of LED chip production, the chip with some defects or electrode wear, sorted out, these are the loose crystals behind, at this time in the blue film there are some do not meet the normal shipping requirements of the chip, it will naturally become a side piece or hair, etc.
    Talked about in different locations on the wafer extraction parameters testing, nine points do to do not conform to the requirements of the wafer for additional processing, these cannot be directly used to make the LED wafer square piece, also won’t do any sorting, sold directly to customers, which is currently on the market the LED wafer (but also have good things in your wafer, such as the party).
    Nga rama haukura LED

  1. Mai i te taenga mai o nga rama neon, after a hundred years of unfailing. It is a special low pressure cold cathode glow discharge electric light source, a he rereke mai i etahi atu penei i te rama rama, rama konutai pehanga teitei, rama halide whakarewa, rama mercury, incandescent lamp and other arc lamp. Neon lights are produced by a cold cathode glow discharge under a high voltage field of inert gas filled in a glass tube. The color of the neon lamp is determined by the spectral characteristics of the inert gas. Fluorescent neon lights are filled with argon and mercury, ko nga rama neon e tuku ana i te rama kikorangi me te kowhai. These two types of neon lights are generated by excited radiation from the atoms of the working gas in the tube. Compared with other electric light sources, Ko nga rama haukura nga ahuatanga e whai ake nei:
    Tuatahi, kakama teitei
    Ko nga rama haukura e whakawhirinaki ana ki nga hiko i nga pito e rua o te rama i roto i te waahi ngaohiko teitei ka noho te hau i roto i te ngongo., he rereke mai i te puna marama noa me tahu waea tungsten ki te teitei teitei ki te marama, ka puta te nui o te hiko hiko i te ahua o te wera wera ka pau, no reira, me te nui o te kaha hiko, He teitei ake te kanapa o te neon.
    Rua, he iti te pāmahana, karekau te whakamahi i te aukati i te rangi
    Rama haukura na te ahua o te katode makariri, kei raro te pāmahana ngongo i te 60°C i te wa e mahi ana, no reira ka taea te whakanoho ki te hau tuwhera i te ra me te ua, i roto ranei i te tinana.
    He iti te kohi hiko
    I roto i te wa o te auaha hangarau tonu, kei te whakapai tonu te hangarau hanga o nga rama neon me te taumata hangarau o nga waahanga e pa ana. Ko te tono o nga hiko hou me nga huringa hiko kua tino whakahekehia te kaha o nga rama neon, mai 56 Watts ia mita rama ki 12 Watts ia mita rama.
    E wha, ora roa
    Nga rama haukura i te mahi tonu i raro i te ahua o te hiko tonu, ora ake i te 10,000 haora, he uaua tenei painga ki te whakatutuki i tetahi atu puna marama hiko.
    Rima, hanga hangawari, kanorau tae
    He mea hanga mai i nga ngongo karaihe ka taea te pupuhi me te piko ki tetahi ahua me te tino ngawari. Ma te kowhiri i nga momo ngongo me te whakakii ki nga momo hau koretake, ka taea e te haukura te whakaputa i te kara, rama maha-tae.
    ono, hihiri, pānga pai, ohaoha me te mahi
    Mata marama haukura e te ngongo marama tonu me te titonga ngongo matawai marama, ka taea te whakarite ki te peke karapa, āta matawai, huringa tae hanumi whitu karapa kara. Te ngongo matawai ma te whakaurunga ki te mana whakahaere matawai maramara rorohiko moroiti, ngongo matawai kia rite ki te marama o te papatono kua oti te whakarite, kua weto ranei, te hanga rerenga pikitia, ano he aniwaniwa i te rangi, rite te Milky Way, ano he ao moemoea, whakamihi, e kore e warewaretia. No reira, Ko te neon he momo panui me te iti ake o te haumi, pānga kaha me te whaipainga ohaoha