Ko te rama rama arahina he aha te kounga pai ?
LED lamp with what brand good lamp strip what brand is good
Although it is not dare to say that LED lights with top ten brands, but the quality is also great.
It is said that Fengrong used to be OEM for big brands.
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LED lamp belt brand
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LED lamp belt brand
Fengrong light belt, the led industry registered brand, the founder focused on led field for more than 10 tau. Fengrong is a professional company focusing on wholesale and retail LED light belt, and undertake engineering lighting services.
[Features and main advantages of Banyan LED light belt]1, LED lamp belt service life is very long, can ensure a long time in the outdoor continuous use.
2, LED lamp belt has many colors, can be controlled through the program, so that the light becomes very colorful.
3, Ko te whitiki rama LED he pai te parewai me te awangawanga ohorere, kaua e manukanuka ki te ra me te ua na te kino o te rama.
4, He tino watea te whakaurunga o te whitiki rama rama, te whakakore i nga mahi whakaurunga hoha, tiakina te utu whakaurunga. A he pai ki te whakahou i te tiaki.
5, Ko te whitiki rama rama he nui ake te penapena hiko atu i te whitiki rama LED tuku iho, Ko te waahi nui mo te wa roa ka taea te penapena hiko mo te taone nui, tiaki taiao matomato.
[Fengrong rama rama whitiki hua painga]1, whakaora pūngao, wera iti;

2, pai te rite o te tae, Koki marama nui;
3, ora roa, tiaki-kore;
4, he marama, he kikokore te hua, he pai mo te whakaurunga ki tetahi waahi whaiti;
5, ko te tuara o te whitiki rama LED he mea whakapiri ki te whakapiri taha-rua, he pai te whakaurunga me te whakatauira;
6, ngawari pai, Ka taea te piko ki te hiahia e kore e pakaru, can be bent into a variety of shapes;
7, the color is pure soft and gorgeous, but also can be customized according to the requirements of various colors or transformation;
8, low voltage (power supply), can ensure the use of personal safety;
9, each 3 LED for a group, each group can be cut without affecting the normal use of other groups, convenient installation.
[Application scope of Fengrong LED lamp belt]1, home decoration (stair lighting, hall corridor lighting, lighting decoration, edge hook decoration);
2, hotels, bars, KTV, night clubs and other entertainment places decoration lighting;
3, car chassis decoration, high brake indication, body decoration, interior decoration;
4. Path indication and exterior wall outline decoration, backlit billboard lighting, advertising signs, channel signal signs, etc.;
5, building tower, bridge, park square contour, building lighting decoration, all kinds of indoor and outdoor lighting projects;
6, festival decoration, activity venue setting, exhibition venue decoration, exhibition hall decoration, showcase, window, props and other applications of decorative lighting.