
Liema hija l-aqwa fabbrika COB LED Strip Light miċ-Ċina?

Liema hija l-aqwa fabbrika COB LED Strip Light miċ-Ċina?

Huizhou AMOWO Industrial Co., Ltd.

AMOWO Industrial Co., Ltd. huwa manifattur professjonali. Jispeċjalizzaw fit-teħid tad-Dawl LED, ma 10 snin esperjenza ta 'esportazzjoni. Aħna nagħtu aktar attenzjoni lill-kwalità tal-prodotti. B'sistema ta 'ġestjoni perfetta, persunal tekniku tas-sengħa u R kreattiv&D tim, nistgħu nagħmlu prodotti apposta bir-rekwiżiti tal-klijent, u jipprovdu OEM service.Nixtiequ li jikkoperaw ma 'sħab madwar id-dinja, fuq il-bażi ta’ ugwaljanza u benefiċċji reċiproċi. Il-prodotti tagħna huma esportati lejn l-Ewropa, L-Amerka ta 'Fuq, Asja, Lvant Nofsani u reġjuni oħra. Nistgħu nassigurakom tal-kwalità, termini favorevoli u kreditu. Nistgħu nipprovdu s-servizzi OEM l-aktar sodisfatti fl-iqsar żmien possibbli skont il-klijenti’ rekwiżiti. AMOWO jinsisti fuq il- “prodotti, servizz, professjonali, konċentrat” filosofija tan-negozju. It-tim tal-bejgħ eċċellenti tagħna huwa dejjem għas-servizz tiegħek!

Cob lamp belt and LED lamp belt which good

LED light feels better, with high brightness and stability

Lamp bead manufacturer recommended

Cob strip power

Cob lamp belt power to between watts. The COB in LED lamp refers to the COB light source used in the LED lamp. ChipOnboard stands for COB light source. Cob light source is an integrated surface light source technology that directly pastes the LED chip on the mirror metal substrate with high reflective rate.  

Lamp belt one meter powerbetween watts, each meter on the small beads no less than 30 intervals 3 centimeters, 15 meters is close to, with LED light emitting diode, each power 0.05 watts, so a total power of 25 watts, such as ordinary small beads, each bead power about 0.2 to 0.3 watts.  

This paper mainly introduces

  Of course, it also includes flexible lamp belt and hard lamp belt.  

FlexLEDStrip, this is the English name of flexible LED light strip, Flex in Google translation is flexible, in Yahoo translation is conductive wire, but the foreign customers say FlexLEDStrip is what we call flexible LED light strip.  

Which brand of COB light source has good quality?  

Why does COB light strip appear uneven luminous phenomenon

Uneven light strip, mainly related to the line design, the light strip has a maximum connection length, according to the use of the drive power supply, is constant voltage power supply or constant current power supply, to calculate the maximum connection length of the line effect, can ensure that the LED strip in the light when the consistency.


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