telefon ċellulari 3

Minn liema huma magħmula sinjali LED Neon Light?

Minn liema huma magħmula sinjali LED Neon Light?

What is neon?  

Tubu tal-kulur (ħġieġ ikkulurit) in the glass factory production that has been added yellow, aħmar, blue, green and other pigments, are manually blown, so the price is high and the diameter error is large. Neon light is a long discharge cold anode luminous discharge device, the use of short-wave ultraviolet excitation phosphors (such as tungstate, borate, silicate, phosphate phosphors).  Its luminous principle is low pressure mercury discharge produces millimeter ultraviolet light, and then from millimeter ultraviolet light excitation of various phosphors, so as to obtain a number of colors of neon light. Neon principle in the closed glass tube, filled with neon, helium, argon and other gases, the two ends of the tube are equipped with two metal electrodes, electrodes are generally made of copper material, electrode lead access to the power supply circuit, with a high voltage transformer, 10~ voltage on the electrode. Because the gas inside the tube is made up of countless molecules, the molecules and atoms are neutral under normal conditions. Under the action of high voltage, a small number of free electrons move to the anode, and the rapid dissociation of gas molecules stimulates the accelerated movement of electrons, so that the gas in the tube conducts electricity and gives out color glow (also known as rainbow light).  The luminous color of neon principle is related to the gas used in the tube and the color of the lamp;  Neon principle Neon gas glows golden if it is filled in a yellowish tube, or yellow and white if it is colorless and transparent. Neon principle To produce different colors of light, you use many different colors of light tubes or fill them with different gases. Neon is made of glass tubes that can be fired and bent into any shape with great flexibility. Billi tagħżel tipi differenti ta 'tubi u timlahom b'gassijiet inerti differenti, in-neon jista 'jipproduċi ikkulurit, multi-colored light. The construction and principle of neon lights are not complicated. In the glass tube closed at both ends, two electrodes are installed, the air in the tube is drawn out, and then more than ten thousand volts of high voltage direct current is passed between the two electrodes. The thin air in the tube will ionize, produce discharge phenomenon, and give out light. If the air is pumped out and small amounts of different inert gases or mercury vapors are filled inside the tubes, the lights will take on different colors: when filled with neon, they will glow orange-red.  

Dwal tan-neon LED

Mill-miġja tad-dwal tan-neon, wara mitt sena bla falliment. Huwa pressjoni baxxa speċjali katodu kiesaħ glow discharge sors tad-dawl elettriku, u hija differenti minn oħrajn bħal lampa fluworexxenti, fanal tas-sodju bi pressjoni għolja, fanal tal-alid tal-metall, fanal tal-merkurju, fanal inkandexxenti u bozza bl-ark oħra. Id-dwal tan-neon huma prodotti minn discharge glow ta 'katodu kiesaħ taħt kamp ta' vultaġġ għoli ta 'gass inert mimli f'tubu tal-ħġieġ. Il-kulur tal-lampa tan-neon huwa ddeterminat mill-karatteristiċi spettrali tal-gass inert. Dwal tan-neon fluworexxenti huma mimlija bl-argon u l-merkurju, filwaqt li d-dwal tan-neon jarmu dawl blu u isfar. Dawn iż-żewġ tipi ta 'dwal tan-neon huma ġġenerati minn radjazzjoni eċċitati mill-atomi tal-gass tax-xogħol fit-tubu. Meta mqabbel ma 'sorsi oħra tad-dawl elettriku, dwal tan-neon għandhom il-karatteristiċi li ġejjin:  

L-ewwel, effiċjenza għolja

Id-dwal tan-neon jiddependu fuq l-elettrodi fiż-żewġt itruf tad-dawl fil-kamp ta 'vultaġġ għoli se jkun gass inert fit-tubu, huwa differenti mis-sors tad-dawl ordinarju għandu jaħarqu wajer tat-tungstenu għal temperatura għolja għad-dawl, li jirriżulta f'ammont kbir ta 'enerġija elettrika fil-forma ta' enerġija tas-sħana hija kkunsmata, għalhekk, bl-istess ammont ta 'enerġija elettrika, neon għandu luminożità ogħla.  

Tnejn, it-temperatura hija baxxa, l-użu mhuwiex ristrett mill-klima

Bozza tan-neon minħabba l-proprjetà tal-katodu kiesaħ tagħha, it-temperatura tat-tubu hija taħt is-60 ° C meta taħdem, so it can be placed in the open air in sunlight and rain or in the body.  

Low energy consumption

In the era of continuous technological innovation, the manufacturing technology of neon lights and the technical level of related parts are constantly improving. The application of new electrodes and electronic transformers has greatly reduced the power consumption of neon lights, from 56 watts per meter of lamp to 12 watts per meter of lamp.  

Four, ħajja twila

Neon lights in continuous work under the condition of continuous electricity, life of more than 10,000 sigħat, this advantage is difficult to achieve any other electric light source.  

Five, flexible production, diverse colors

Neon is made of glass tubes that can be fired and bent into any shape with great flexibility. Billi tagħżel tipi differenti ta 'tubi u timlahom b'gassijiet inerti differenti, in-neon jista 'jipproduċi ikkulurit, dawl b'ħafna kuluri.  

Sitt, dinamiku, effett tajjeb, ekonomiku u prattiku

Skrin tad-dawl tan-neon mit-tubu tad-dawl stabbli u l-kompożizzjoni tat-tubu tal-iskannjar tad-dawl dinamiku, jista 'jiġi ssettjat biex jaqbżu l-iskannjar, skan gradwali, mixed color change seven color scan. Scanning tube by equipped with microcomputer chip programming scanner control, tubu tal-iskannjar skont id-dawl tal-programm ipprogrammat jew mitfi, li jiffurmaw fluss ta 'stampi, bħal qawsalla fis-sema, bħall-Mixja tal-Ħalib, aktar bħal dinja tal-ħolm, affaxxinanti, unforgettable. Therefore, in-neon huwa forma ta' reklamar b'inqas investiment, effett qawwi u utilità ekonomika

Żid Kumment

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