kanał LED

What is the demand for LED Channel in the LED lighting industry?

kanał LED

What is the demand for LED Channel in the LED lighting industry?

by amowoDecember 13,2022

The demand for LED channels in the LED lighting industry is rising. LEDs are becoming more popular in commercial and residential applications because of their brightness, sustainability, and energy efficiency. With the increase in LED lighting, companies are looking to find ways to use LEDs in new and innovative ways.

One way that LEDs are being used in new and innovative ways is as a channel light.

LED Lighting is becoming more and more popular in the market

Many people are using LED lights to replace traditional light bulbs, as they have many benefits over standard bulbs. Some of these benefits include

1. They are much cheaper than traditional light bulbs.

2. They are better quality than traditional light bulbs.

3. They last longer than traditional light bulbs.

4. They produce a much brighter light than traditional lightbulbs.

More and more people are looking for ways to improve their lighting setups. One way to do this is by using led channels. These channels allow you to connect different LED lights to get better light.

The demand for LED channels has grown in recent years.

The demand for LED channels has grown in recent years as manufacturers of LED products have come up with ever more advanced lighting technologies. With the advent of LEDs, there is now a demand for products that can produce intense and bright light. This has led to new LED channels being created, which offer a higher level of performance than traditional light bulbs.

LED aluminum channels are becoming increasingly popular due to their efficient performance and low price. Aluminum is a popular choice for channel material because it is easy to work with and has low reactivity.

kanał LED

The Purpose of an led channel diffuser

One everyday use for led channels is to create a more natural-looking lighting effect in a room. LED channels can diffuse light, making it more evenly dispersed throughout the room. This can create a more immersive and realistic experience and help brighten up a console or desk space.

One key benefit of using an LED channel diffuser is that it can help increase a light bulb’s brightness. This is because when the light from the LED bulbs impinges on one side of the diffuser, it creates a brighter light than when the light from the other side is used. Dodatkowo, an LED channel diffuser can be used in place of or in addition to a traditional lightbulb.

Led channels diffuser are used to improve the overall light distribution in a room. By using led channel diffusers, you can get better light diffusion for your space by increasing the brightness of the morning.

There is a significant demand for LED channels in the LED lighting industry, as it offers a Wide Range of Features and Performance compared to other Lighting technologies.

The LED lighting industry is rapidly growing, with significant demand for channel designs that offer a broad range of features and performance. Recessed led channel designs are often seen as the most popular option due to their simple design and low cost. Ceiling led channel designs offer similar features but can be more expensive.

LED lighting has become a popular choice in many homes and businesses because of its wide range of features and performance. Some of the benefits of using LED lighting include its ability to save energy, make your home more glowy, and improve your property’s overall look and feel. Companies are looking for ways to create products that offer a wide range of features and performance to meet the demand for LED channels in the LED Lighting industry. One such option is a silicone led channel. Silicone led channels provide a great range of features that can be used in various applications, making them ideal for multiple businesses and homes.

kanał LED

To meet the demand for LED channels, manufacturers must provide a wide range of products that meet different needs.

LED channel manufacturers are facing a growing demand for their products, but they must provide a wide range of products to meet different needs. This requires a more differentiated product line and careful planning when designing products.

LED light fixtures are becoming more popular every year. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that they produce very little heat, are small and easy to install, and can be turned on and off quickly. To meet the demand for this type of light fixture, manufacturers must provide a wide range of products that can meet different needs.

Some manufacturers have made it their mission to create channel items that will be perfect for any home or business. Other companies are more creative and try to design products that will fit just about any need. It is essential for consumers to find the right product for them, as there is no one size when it comes to LED light fixtures.


In conclusion, the demand for LED channels in the LED lighting industry is high. This is due to the growing popularity of LED bulbs and home lighting and the increasing use of LEDs in professional lighting. There are many different types of LEDs, so choosing the right one for your project is essential.

Huizhou AMOWO Industrial Co., Sp. z o.o. has focused on LED Aluminum Profiles and LED Strip Lights for more than ten years. Służymy pomocą naszym doświadczonym profesjonalnym inżynierom i zespołowi sprzedaży. Możemy zapewnić NISKI MOQ, Wytworzone na zamówienie, Usługa kompleksowego rozwiązania.

Jeśli chcesz katalog profili aluminiowych LED z Więcej niż 300+ Modele Lub DARMOWE PRÓBKI, zapraszamy do kontaktu z nami za pośrednictwem WhatsApp Lub E-mail. Możesz także wybrać Trade Assurance, który chroni zamówienia online za pośrednictwem Alibaba.com: https://amowotech.en.alibaba.com/

    Profil aluminiowy LED

    Instalowanie profilu aluminiowego LED: porady i wskazówki ułatwiające instalację

    Profil aluminiowy LED

    Instalowanie profilu aluminiowego LED: porady i wskazówki ułatwiające instalację

    by amowoDecember 12,2022

    Installing an LED aluminium profile is a simple process with few steps and can be done in less than an hour. The main advantage of LEDs over other light sources is their long life span and ability to emit light in a wide range of colours. An LED aluminium profile may be your best bet if you are looking for a lighting solution that can be used in various applications.

    What are the features of LED Aluminium Profile?

    LED aluminium profile is a new type of light aluminium with many advantages over traditional aluminium profiles. It offers a more efficient light output, better heat dissipation, and improved brightness.

    What are the features of LED aluminium profiles? Diody LED zużywają mniejsze i mocniejsze światło niż tradycyjne źródła światła, co czyni je idealnymi do różnych zastosowań, takich jak projektowanie wnętrz, wyposażenie medyczne, i oznakowanie przemysłowe. Profile aluminiowe LED oferują szereg opcji poprawiających wydajność systemu oświetlenia LED.

    Profil aluminiowy LED to rodzaj niemetalowego materiału, z którego powstaje wydajna żarówka. Warstwa tlenku glinu w aluminiowym profilu LED pomaga poprawić strumień świetlny, co skutkuje mniejszym obciążeniem cieplnym i dłuższą żywotnością. Dodatkowo, tlenek glinu pomaga kontrolować temperaturę barwową i jasność diod LED.

    Zalety profilu aluminiowego LED?

    Profile aluminiowe LED oferują wiele korzyści dla branży jubilerskiej, w tym zwiększoną jasność i dokładność kolorów, zmniejszone zużycie energii, i lepsze odprowadzanie ciepła.

    Jeśli szukasz bardziej przyjaznej dla środowiska opcji dla swoich żarówek LED, dobrym rozwiązaniem może być profil aluminiowy. Aluminium jest jednym z najskuteczniejszych materiałów emitujących światło, oszczędzając pieniądze na rachunkach za energię. Dodatkowo, użycie profili aluminiowych w diodach LED może pomóc poprawić ich jakość i jasność.

    Korzyści ze stosowania profili aluminiowych w oświetleniu LED jest wiele, a jednym z nich jest zmniejszenie zużycia energii, zwiększona jasność, i zwiększoną żywotność. Dodatkowo, tlenek glinu jest przyjazny dla środowiska i może zmniejszyć zużycie energii nawet o 50%.

    Profil aluminiowy LED

    Jak kupić profil aluminiowy?

    Chcesz kupić profil aluminiowy? Profil aluminiowy LED może być doskonałym wyborem, jeśli potrzebujesz wysokiej jakości profilu aluminiowego. LED Aluminium Profile is a durable and affordable option that can make your LED Light look more professional.

    Aluminium profiles are a popular option for LED lighting. They are lightweight and can be easily integrated into existing fixtures. An aluminium profile can create a beautiful, timeless look for your LEDs when chosen correctly. Here are some tips on how to buy an aluminium profile:

    1. research the options available before making your purchase. Many companies produce aluminium profiles, so it is essential to find one that offers a variety of options and pricing.

    2. be sure to read the reviews before making your decision. These reviews can help you understand what others have experienced with their aluminium profiles and give you a better idea of how well they will perform in your application.

    3. Consider that different LEDs require different wattages for good brightness and life expectancy. Be sure to choose an aluminium profile with enough Wattage capacity to support your LED lights!

    The best way to buy an aluminium profile is to research and find a reputable supplier. Aluminium profiles are becoming more popular as they offer many advantages over other metals. One of the essential advantages is their low heat output. Aluminium profiles also provide a sleek and modern look, which can benefit specific applications.

    What are the steps to install a LED aluminium profile?

    When it comes to LED aluminium profiles, a few key steps need to be taken to complete the installation process. In this article, we’ll look at these steps and how they can help you install an aluminium profile successfully.

    Regarding LED aluminium profiles, the most crucial step is ensuring that your chosen product is compatible with your specific needs. Here are some of the common compatibility issues

    Bolt-on LED aluminium profiles

    -Some LED lighting products do not allow for bolt-on installation. If this is the case for you, consult your installer before starting the installation.

    -To ensure a good fit and compatibility between your lights and your Profile, ensure that both devices are physically close. If they’re not, use pliers or vice versa to force them into contact.

    -If you have any problems with connection or fit, switch lights off and on until you find the right combination.

    Installing an aluminium profile for a LED light is a simple and easy process that requires only a few key steps:

    1. Identify the type of LED you will be using and then select the right size and type of aluminium to fit that LED. Once you have determined the dimensions of your LED light, it is time to begin the installation process by selecting the correct mounting bracket.
    2. Mark out the locations of each screw and hole on the bracket so you can easily find them when installing your LEDs.
    3. Use a wood glue gun or an L-shaped clamp to secure each screw to the bracket and ensure a reliable connection between LEDs and the frame.

    Led profile installation: How to properly install your led Profile.

    Installing an aluminium profile for a LED light is a simple and easy process that requires only a few key steps:

    1. Identify the type of LED you will be using and then select the right size and type of aluminium to fit that LED. Once you have determined the dimensions of your LED light, it is time to begin the installation process by selecting the correct mounting bracket.
    2. Mark out the locations of each screw and hole on the bracket so you can easily find them when installing your LEDs.
    3. Use a wood glue gun or an L-shaped clamp to secure each screw to the bracket and ensure a reliable connection between LEDs and the frame.
    Profil aluminiowy LED

    Introducing Led Profile, a new method for installing LEDs on motorcycles

    Led Profile, nowy sposób montażu diod LED w motocyklach, szybko zyskała popularność wśród rowerzystów ze względu na łatwą instalację i niski koszt. Ta nowa metoda jest szczególnie korzystna dla osób niezaznajomionych z instalacją diod LED lub potrzebujących pomocy w znalezieniu żarówki LED o odpowiednim rozmiarze.

    Profil Led to nowa metoda montażu diod LED w motocyklach, która szybko zyskuje na popularności. Profil Led jest prosty, łatwy w obsłudze system, który pozwala łatwo i szybko zamontować diody LED na rowerze. Z profilem LED, możesz uzyskać doskonałą wydajność diod LED, zachowując jednocześnie ich bezpieczeństwo.

    Dlaczego warto go używać na swoim rowerze??

    Profil aluminiowy może być dobrym rozwiązaniem, jeśli chcesz zamontować pasek LED na swoim rowerze. Aluminium charakteryzuje się wysokiej jakości wykończeniem, making it a great choice for installations like this. Dodatkowo, the Profile is lightweight and easy to work with, making it perfect for bikes with a lot of energy input.

    One of the benefits of using aluminium profiles on your bike is that they provide a robust, lightweight and durable build. Aluminium is also environmentally friendly, as it does not produce any harmful emissions.


    In conclusion, LED aluminium profile installation is a simple process that can be completed in a few minutes using standard tools and techniques. By following these steps, you can create a beautiful LED aluminium profile that will look great and brighten up your lighting system.

    If you want to install an LED aluminium profile, here are some tips and tricks to make the process easier. First and foremost, always use common sense when installing aluminium profiles. Second, ensure your tools and abilities are up to par so the installation process can go smoothly. Wreszcie, be sure to check out our store’s other products for even more LED lighting options!

    Huizhou AMOWO Industrial Co., Sp. z o.o. has focused on LED Aluminum Profiles and LED Strip Lights for more than ten years. Służymy pomocą naszym doświadczonym profesjonalnym inżynierom i zespołowi sprzedaży. Możemy zapewnić NISKI MOQ, Wytworzone na zamówienie, Usługa kompleksowego rozwiązania.

    Jeśli chcesz katalog profili aluminiowych LED z Więcej niż 300+ Modele Lub DARMOWE PRÓBKI, zapraszamy do kontaktu z nami za pośrednictwem WhatsApp Lub E-mail. Możesz także wybrać Trade Assurance, który chroni zamówienia online za pośrednictwem Alibaba.com: https://amowotech.en.alibaba.com/

      Profil LED

      Jakie są zalety Profilu LED?

      Profil LED

      Jakie są zalety Profilu LED?

      by amowoDecember 10,2022

      Led profiles are a growing trend in the lighting industry. They provide a more efficient and accurate light source than traditional incandescent or fluorescent lights. They can be used in various applications such as home theatres, office spaces, and other places with tight control over light output.

      Led profiles are a new type of LED light used in various applications such as signage, home theatre, and car headlights. They have a variety of advantages over traditional LED lights.

      What are led profiles?

      Led profile profiles are a new type of LED lighting fixture that uses recessed LED light bulbs. These profiles allow for a more customized look and feel to your home and increased brightness and colour. They are perfect for areas with little light or where brighter lights will not be practical.

      Led profile profiles may be a good option if you are looking for an affordable and easy way to increase the brightness of your ceiling light. A led profile is a type of LED light recessed in the wall and can protrude out from the wall slightly. This gives the light a more natural look and feels, which can improve your home’s overall look.

      Comparison of different types of led profiles

      Led profiles are a popular choice for lighting. There are many different types of led profiles that can be used to light up a room. There are recessed profiles led, ceiling profile led and even LED growlers. The main difference between these types of profiles is the location of the light. Recessed led profiles typically place the light in a specific spot on the wall or ceiling, while the ceiling and LED growlers place the light in the general area.

      Led profiles are a vital part of any home theatre system. They can create various effects, from subtle light to dramatic lighting. Several led profiles are available on the market, which are suitable for you depending on your specific needs. Here are some main differences between recessed-led profiles and ceiling-led profiles

      -Recessed led profiles to tend to be smaller and more straightforward than ceiling profile led systems, making them more affordable.

      Recessed profiles typically have lower wattage requirements, making them perfect for use in smaller or low-wattage rooms.

      Recessed profiles are also less flexible in terms of placement, meaning they may not work as well in some regions of the room.

      Recessed profiles also require more maintenance than ceiling profile-led systems since they must be regularly cleaned.

      Led profiles are a popular choice for LED lighting. They come in different shapes and sizes to fit your needs. There are some main differences between recessed and ceiling-led profiles, but they all have one common goal: to give you the best light output.

      Profil LED

      What is the Majority of People’s Opinion About profiles led?

      There are many ways to make the most out of your led profiles. You can use a recessed led profile to add a touch of colour and brightness to your design. You can also use a blacked profile to boost your strategy.

      Most people view recessed-led profiles as the best type of ceiling-led profile. This is due to their simple design and the fact that they are straightforward to use.

      What are the advantages of using a profile led?

      profiles led are a type of lighting that uses light to control the placement of LEDs on a surface. They are becoming more popular as they offer several advantages over traditional light bulbs.

      One advantage is that profiles led can be used in various applications, including lighting up areas such as the home or office and creating a gentle light for reading or other activities. Another benefit is that they are environmentally friendly and do not produce heat or noise.

      There are many advantages to using a recessed profile led in your ceiling light. Using a recessed profile led, you can increase the brightness and visibility of your ceiling light while reducing the chances of it looking like an aftermarket product. Dodatkowo, suspended profile leds are easier to install than other LED ceiling lights because they’re typically just a single piece that slides into your ceiling.

      1. They are more efficient – profile led lights use less energy than traditional LED lights, which means they last longer and can be used in more places.

      2. They are easier to control – profile led lights can be easily turned on and off, making them easier to use and manage.

      3. They are brighter – profile led lights are much brighter than traditional LED lights, making them better for activating devices such as signs and home theatres.

      4. They can be customized – profile led lights can

      5. Fidelityprofiles led produce a precise light beam because each LED is focused on a single point. This allows for more excellent brightness and accuracy when controlling light output.

      6. EfficiencyA profile led uses less energy than traditional bulbs, which means you can save money on your electricity bill.

      7. AestheticsA profile led looks much better than traditional bulbs, making it perfect for applications such as home theatre or office spaces.

      Tips on using your led profile

      Before getting started with using your led channel, here are some tips to help you get started

      1. Make sure you have a compatible led strip

      2. Choose the correct type of led strip

      3. Connect the strip to your board

      4. Use header pins and jumper wires


      In conclusion, a led profile can provide several advantages over traditional light-up shapes. These advantages include the following

      -A more realistic and lifelike environment due to the led lights shining in the correct directions.

      -Improved accuracy and consistency because the led profile is specifically designed for each type of light.

      -Improved visibility, as the led lights are brighter and more consistent than traditional light-up profiles.

      Huizhou AMOWO Industrial Co., Sp. z o.o. has focused on LED Aluminum Profiles and LED Strip Lights for more than ten years. Służymy pomocą naszym doświadczonym profesjonalnym inżynierom i zespołowi sprzedaży. Możemy zapewnić NISKI MOQ, Wytworzone na zamówienie, Usługa kompleksowego rozwiązania.

      Jeśli chcesz katalog profili aluminiowych LED z Więcej niż 300+ Modele Lub DARMOWE PRÓBKI, zapraszamy do kontaktu z nami za pośrednictwem WhatsApp Lub E-mail. Możesz także wybrać Trade Assurance, który chroni zamówienia online za pośrednictwem Alibaba.com: https://amowotech.en.alibaba.com/


        Oświetlenie taśmy LED Co sprawia, że ​​jakość jest dobra? ?

        Oświetlenie taśmy LED Co sprawia, że ​​jakość jest dobra? ?

        Lampa LED z jaką marką dobra taśma oświetleniowa jaka marka jest dobra?

        Chociaż nie ma odwagi powiedzieć, że diody LED z dziesięciu najlepszych marek, ale jakość też jest świetna.

        Mówi się, że Fengrong był kiedyś OEM dla dużych marek.

        Kliknij, aby wyświetlić komentarze

        Marka paska do lamp LED

        Kliknij, aby wyświetlić komentarze

        Marka paska do lamp LED

        Lekki pas Fengron, wiodąca marka zarejestrowana w branży, założyciel skupił się na polu ledowym od ponad 10 lat. Fengrong to profesjonalna firma zajmująca się sprzedażą hurtową i detaliczną pasów świetlnych LED, i podejmę inżynierskie usługi oświetleniowe,.

        [Cechy i główne zalety pasa świetlnego Banyan LED]

        1, Żywotność paska lampy LED jest bardzo długa, może zapewnić długi czas ciągłego użytkowania na zewnątrz;.

        2, Pasek do lampy LED ma wiele kolorów, może być kontrolowany przez program, aby światło stało się bardzo kolorowe.

        3, Pasek do lamp LED ma dobry efekt wodoodporności i odporności na wstrząsy, nie martw się słońcem i deszczem spowodowanym uszkodzeniem lampy!.

        4, Montaż paska lampy LED jest bardzo wygodny, wyeliminowanie żmudnych etapów instalacji, zaoszczędzić na kosztach instalacji. I sprzyja aktualizacji konserwacji.

        5, Pasek do lamp LED jest bardziej energooszczędny niż tradycyjny pasek do lamp LED, duży obszar długotrwałego użytkowania może zaoszczędzić obiektywne zużycie energii elektrycznej dla miasta, zielona ochrona środowiska.

        [Zalety produktu paska lampy LED Fengrong]

        1, oszczędzanie energii, mały upał;

        2, dobra konsystencja koloru, duży kąt świecenia;;

        3, długie życie, bezobsługowy;

        4, produkt jest lekki i cienki, nadaje się do montażu w wąskiej przestrzeni;

        5, tył paska lampy LED jest przymocowany dwustronnie klejem;, wygodny montaż i modelowanie;

        6, dobra elastyczność, można zginać do woli nie pęka, można wyginać w różne kształty;

        7, kolor jest czysto miękki i wspaniały, ale również można dostosować do wymagań różnych kolorów lub transformacji;

        8, niskonapięciowy (zasilacz), może zapewnić korzystanie z bezpieczeństwa osobistego;

        9, każdy 3 LED dla grupy, każdą grupę można ciąć bez wpływu na normalne użytkowanie innych grup, wygodna instalacja.

        [Zakres zastosowania paska lampy LED Fengrong]

        1, dekoracja domowa (oświetlenie schodów, oświetlenie korytarza przedpokoju, dekoracja świetlna, Dekoracja haczyka krawędzi);

        2, hotele, słupy, KTV, oświetlenie dekoracyjne klubów nocnych i innych miejsc rozrywki;

        3, dekoracja podwozia samochodu, wysoki wskaźnik hamowania, dekoracja ciała, dekoracja wnętrz;

        4. Wskazanie ścieżki i dekoracja obrysu ściany zewnętrznej, podświetlane oświetlenie billboardów, znaki reklamowe, znaki sygnału kanału, itp.;

        5, budowa wieży, most, kontur placu parku, dekoracja oświetlenia budynku, wszelkiego rodzaju projekty oświetlenia wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego,;

        6, dekoracja festiwalu, ustawienie miejsca aktywności, dekoracja miejsca wystawy, dekoracja sali wystawowej, gablota, okno, rekwizyty i inne zastosowania oświetlenia dekoracyjnego.

        mobilny 4

        Jaki jest proces tworzenia lamp LED?

        Jaki jest proces tworzenia lamp LED?

        Jak wygląda proces produkcji diod LED
        Jak wygląda proces produkcji chipów LED?
        W rzeczywistości proces produkcji płytek epitaksjalnych jest bardzo złożony, na wystawie po waflu epitaksjalnym, Zacząłem robić płytkę epitaksjalną LED do następnej elektrody (P, N), a następnie zaczęto używać maszyny laserowej do cięcia płytki epitaksjalnej LED (wcześniej w płytkach epitaksjalnych LED używano głównie diamentowego noża tnącego), przerobiony na chip, w różnych miejscach płytki po wyodrębnieniu dziewięciu punktów parametrów testowych.

        1. Głównie sprawdź napięcie, długość fali i jasność płytek, które mogą spełniać normalne parametry standardowe w transporcie, a następnie przejść do następnej operacji. Jeśli test dziewięciopunktowy nie spełnia odpowiednich wymagań, wafle zostaną odłożone do kolejnej obróbki.
          2, wafelek krojony na frytki, % oględziny (VI/VC), operator powinien używać mikroskopu powiększającego 30 czas na kontrolę wzrokową.
          3, następnie użyj automatycznego klasyfikatora według innego napięcia, długość fali, Parametry przewidywania jasności chipa do w pełni automatycznego wyboru, testowanie i klasyfikacja.
        2. Wreszcie, sprawdzać (VC) i opisz chip LED. Obszar chipa powinien znajdować się pośrodku niebieskiej folii, i na niebieskiej folii powinno być co najwyżej odprysków, jednakże liczba żetonów na każdej niebieskiej folii nie może być mniejsza niż żetonów, i typ chipa, numer partii, ilość i statystyki pomiarów fotoelektrycznych zapisuje się na etykiecie przymocowanej z tyłu woskowanego papieru. The chips on the blue film will undergo the final visual inspection according to the same standards as the first visual inspection to ensure that the chips are neatly arranged and of good quality. This makes LED chips (collectively known as squares on the market at present).
          In the process of LED chip production, the chip with some defects or electrode wear, sorted out, these are the loose crystals behind, at this time in the blue film there are some do not meet the normal shipping requirements of the chip, it will naturally become a side piece or hair, etc.
          Talked about in different locations on the wafer extraction parameters testing, nine points do to do not conform to the requirements of the wafer for additional processing, these cannot be directly used to make the LED wafer square piece, also won’t do any sorting, sold directly to customers, which is currently on the market the LED wafer (but also have good things in your wafer, such as the party).
          LED neon lights

        1. Since the advent of neon lights, after a hundred years of unfailing. It is a special low pressure cold cathode glow discharge electric light source, and is different from other such as fluorescent lamp, high pressure sodium lamp, metal halide lamp, mercury lamp, incandescent lamp and other arc lamp. Neon lights are produced by a cold cathode glow discharge under a high voltage field of inert gas filled in a glass tube. The color of the neon lamp is determined by the spectral characteristics of the inert gas. Fluorescent neon lights are filled with argon and mercury, while neon lights emit blue and yellow light. These two types of neon lights are generated by excited radiation from the atoms of the working gas in the tube. Compared with other electric light sources, neon lights have the following characteristics:
          Pierwszy, high efficiency
          Neon lights rely on the electrodes at both ends of the light in the high voltage field will be inert gas in the tube, it is different from the ordinary light source must burn tungsten wire to high temperature to light, resulting in a large amount of electric energy in the form of heat energy is consumed, therefore, with the same amount of electric energy, neon has a higher brightness.
          Two, the temperature is low, the use is not restricted by climate
          Neon lamp because of its cold cathode property, the tube temperature is below 60°C when it works, so it can be placed in the open air in sunlight and rain or in the body.
          Low energy consumption
          In the era of continuous technological innovation, the manufacturing technology of neon lights and the technical level of related parts are constantly improving. The application of new electrodes and electronic transformers has greatly reduced the power consumption of neon lights, from 56 watts per meter of lamp to 12 watts per meter of lamp.
          Four, długie życie
          Neon lights in continuous work under the condition of continuous electricity, life of more than 10,000 godziny, this advantage is difficult to achieve any other electric light source.
          Five, flexible production, diverse colors
          Neon is made of glass tubes that can be fired and bent into any shape with great flexibility. Wybierając różne typy rurek i napełniając je różnymi gazami obojętnymi, neon może wytwarzać kolorowe, multi-colored light.
          Six, dynamic, good effect, economic and practical
          Neon light screen by the steady light tube and dynamic light scanning tube composition, can be set to jump scan, gradual scan, mixed color change seven color scan. Scanning tube by equipped with microcomputer chip programming scanner control, scanning tube according to the programmed program light or off, forming a flow of pictures, like a rainbow in the sky, like the Milky Way, more like a dream world, fascinating, unforgettable. Therefore, neon is a form of advertising with less investment, strong effect and economic utility

        What are LED Neon Light signs made of?

        What are LED Neon Light signs made of?

        What is neon?  

        Color tube (colored glass) in the glass factory production that has been added yellow, czerwony, blue, green and other pigments, are manually blown, so the price is high and the diameter error is large. Neon light is a long discharge cold anode luminous discharge device, the use of short-wave ultraviolet excitation phosphors (such as tungstate, borate, silicate, phosphate phosphors).  Its luminous principle is low pressure mercury discharge produces millimeter ultraviolet light, and then from millimeter ultraviolet light excitation of various phosphors, so as to obtain a number of colors of neon light. Neon principle in the closed glass tube, filled with neon, helium, argon and other gases, oba końce rurki są wyposażone w dwie metalowe elektrody, elektrody są zazwyczaj wykonane z miedzi, dostęp przewodu elektrody do obwodu zasilania, z transformatorem wysokiego napięcia, 10~ napięcie na elektrodzie. Ponieważ gaz wewnątrz rurki składa się z niezliczonych cząsteczek, cząsteczki i atomy są obojętne w normalnych warunkach. Pod działaniem wysokiego napięcia, niewielka liczba wolnych elektronów przemieszcza się do anody, a szybka dysocjacja cząsteczek gazu stymuluje przyspieszony ruch elektronów, tak, że gaz w rurze przewodzi prąd i daje kolorową poświatę (znane również jako światło tęczowe).  Barwa światła neonu jest związana z gazem zastosowanym w rurze i kolorem lampy;  Zasada działania neonu Gaz neonowy świeci na złoto, jeśli zostanie napełniony żółtawą rurką, lub żółto-biały, jeśli jest bezbarwny i przezroczysty. Zasada neonu Do wytwarzania różnych barw światła, używasz wielu różnych kolorów świetlówek lub wypełniasz je różnymi gazami. Neon wykonany jest ze szklanych rurek, które można wypalać i zginać w dowolny kształt z dużą elastycznością. Wybierając różne typy rurek i napełniając je różnymi gazami obojętnymi, neon może wytwarzać kolorowe, wielokolorowe światło. Budowa i zasada działania neonów nie są skomplikowane. W szklanej rurce zamkniętej na obu końcach, zainstalowane są dwie elektrody, powietrze z rurki jest wyciągane, a następnie pomiędzy dwiema elektrodami przepuszcza się ponad dziesięć tysięcy woltów prądu stałego o wysokim napięciu. The thin air in the tube will ionize, produce discharge phenomenon, and give out light. If the air is pumped out and small amounts of different inert gases or mercury vapors are filled inside the tubes, the lights will take on different colors: when filled with neon, they will glow orange-red.  

        LED neon lights

        Since the advent of neon lights, after a hundred years of unfailing. It is a special low pressure cold cathode glow discharge electric light source, and is different from other such as fluorescent lamp, high pressure sodium lamp, metal halide lamp, mercury lamp, incandescent lamp and other arc lamp. Neon lights are produced by a cold cathode glow discharge under a high voltage field of inert gas filled in a glass tube. The color of the neon lamp is determined by the spectral characteristics of the inert gas. Fluorescent neon lights are filled with argon and mercury, while neon lights emit blue and yellow light. These two types of neon lights are generated by excited radiation from the atoms of the working gas in the tube. Compared with other electric light sources, neon lights have the following characteristics:  

        Pierwszy, high efficiency

        Neon lights rely on the electrodes at both ends of the light in the high voltage field will be inert gas in the tube, it is different from the ordinary light source must burn tungsten wire to high temperature to light, resulting in a large amount of electric energy in the form of heat energy is consumed, therefore, with the same amount of electric energy, neon has a higher brightness.  

        Two, the temperature is low, the use is not restricted by climate

        Neon lamp because of its cold cathode property, the tube temperature is below 60°C when it works, so it can be placed in the open air in sunlight and rain or in the body.  

        Low energy consumption

        In the era of continuous technological innovation, the manufacturing technology of neon lights and the technical level of related parts are constantly improving. The application of new electrodes and electronic transformers has greatly reduced the power consumption of neon lights, from 56 watts per meter of lamp to 12 watts per meter of lamp.  

        Four, długie życie

        Neon lights in continuous work under the condition of continuous electricity, life of more than 10,000 godziny, this advantage is difficult to achieve any other electric light source.  

        Five, flexible production, diverse colors

        Neon is made of glass tubes that can be fired and bent into any shape with great flexibility. Wybierając różne typy rurek i napełniając je różnymi gazami obojętnymi, neon może wytwarzać kolorowe, multi-colored light.  

        Six, dynamic, good effect, economic and practical

        Neon light screen by the steady light tube and dynamic light scanning tube composition, can be set to jump scan, gradual scan, mixed color change seven color scan. Scanning tube by equipped with microcomputer chip programming scanner control, scanning tube according to the programmed program light or off, forming a flow of pictures, like a rainbow in the sky, like the Milky Way, more like a dream world, fascinating, unforgettable. Therefore, neon is a form of advertising with less investment, strong effect and economic utility


        LED Neon Light and glass-tubes What is the difference?

        LED Neon Light and glass-tubes What is the difference?

        LED neon lights

        Since the advent of neon lights, after a hundred years of unfailing. It is a special low pressure cold cathode glow discharge electric light source, and is different from other such as fluorescent lamp, high pressure sodium lamp, metal halide lamp, mercury lamp, incandescent lamp and other arc lamp. Neon lights are produced by a cold cathode glow discharge under a high voltage field of inert gas filled in a glass tube. The color of the neon lamp is determined by the spectral characteristics of the inert gas. Fluorescent neon lights are filled with argon and mercury, while neon lights emit blue and yellow light. These two types of neon lights are generated by excited radiation from the atoms of the working gas in the tube. Compared with other electric light sources, neon lights have the following characteristics:  

        Pierwszy, high efficiency

        Neon lights rely on the electrodes at both ends of the light in the high voltage field will be inert gas in the tube, it is different from the ordinary light source must burn tungsten wire to high temperature to light, resulting in a large amount of electric energy in the form of heat energy is consumed, therefore, with the same amount of electric energy, neon has a higher brightness.

        Two, the temperature is low, the use is not restricted by climate

        Neon lamp because of its cold cathode property, the tube temperature is below 60°C when it works, so it can be placed in the open air in sunlight and rain or in the body.  

        Low energy consumption

        In the era of continuous technological innovation, the manufacturing technology of neon lights and the technical level of related parts are constantly improving. The application of new electrodes and electronic transformers has greatly reduced the power consumption of neon lights, from 56 watts per meter of lamp to 12 watts per meter of lamp.  

        Four, długie życie

        Neon lights in continuous work under the condition of continuous electricity, life of more than 10,000 godziny, this advantage is difficult to achieve any other electric light source.  

        Five, flexible production, diverse colors

        Neon is made of glass tubes that can be fired and bent into any shape with great flexibility. Wybierając różne typy rurek i napełniając je różnymi gazami obojętnymi, neon może wytwarzać kolorowe, multi-colored light.  

        Six, dynamic, good effect, economic and practical

        Neon light screen by the steady light tube and dynamic light scanning tube composition, can be set to jump scan, gradual scan, mixed color change seven color scan. Scanning tube by equipped with microcomputer chip programming scanner control, scanning tube according to the programmed program light or off, forming a flow of pictures, like a rainbow in the sky, like the Milky Way, more like a dream world, fascinating, unforgettable. Therefore, neon is a form of advertising with less investment, strong effect and economic utility

        AMOWO Industrial Co., Sp. z o.o. is a professional manufacturer. Specializing in making LED Lighting, z 10 years export experience.We pay more attention to products quality. Z doskonałym systemem zarządzania, skilled technical personnel and creative R&zespół D, możemy wykonać produkty na zamówienie z wymaganiami klienta, and provide OEM service.We would like to cooperate with partners all over the world, na zasadzie równości i wzajemnych korzyści. Nasze produkty są eksportowane do Europy, Ameryka północna, Azja, Bliski Wschód i inne regiony. Możemy Cię zapewnić o jakości, korzystne warunki i kredyt. Według klientów możemy zapewnić najbardziej zadowolone usługi OEM w możliwie najkrótszym czasie’ wymagania. AMOWO nalega na “produkty, praca, profesjonalny, stężony” filozofia biznesu. Nasz doskonały zespół sprzedaży jest zawsze do Twojej dyspozycji!


        led and LED Neon Light What is the difference?

        led and LED Neon Light What is the difference?

        Why say LED Lantern Festival can?  What’s the difference between it and neon?  What’s wrong with LED lights?  

        Neon lights and ordinary energy-saving lamps are gaseous discharge luminescence principle. Neon lights are produced by the use of high pressure ionized gas at cold poles, and they give out different colors because of the gas filled in the tube. Ordinary energy-saving lamp is by the filament heating electrons free impact mercury atoms emit ULTRAVIOLET light and then stimulate the phosphor to transform color, emit visible light.  

        Using different phosphors produces different colors. Therefore, neon lights and ordinary energy-saving lamps are linear tube, large volume, especially neon tubes will have transport problems.  

        In terms of luminous efficiency, each lamp has different luminous efficiency in different colors. Until now, the gap between the efficiency of LED white light and that of conventional CFLS was relatively small. But after that, LED white light will surpass ordinary energy-saving lamps and gradually widen the gap. The overall light efficiency of red LED light is higher than that of neon light, while the overall light efficiency of neon light is higher than that of green LED light. LED lights in the market of commercial signs can only be dominant in a small space environment, larger sign advertising, neon lights as a whole cost-effective.  

        The main shortcomings of LED lamps are light decay and heat dissipation problems, but these problems are constantly improving. The combination ability of LED lamp and digital technology and the mechanism of variable color are absolute advantages;  In the future, production costs will continue to decrease, and LED power will come to the fore in the market competition.  

        The pros and cons of LED versus neon

        Neon light is a very wide range of outdoor advertising forms.(1) Rich color, czerwony, orange, yellow, zielony, zielony, blue, purple and other colors.  

        (2) High brightness, suitable for high-rise buildings.  

        (2) Built-in chip control, rich in dynamic, can achieve a variety of color, pattern change

        (3) Moderate cost.(1) Because the neon light should be attached to the metal characters or metal plate surface, exposed to it, the line is also exposed, so the effect is poor during the day, not suitable for low-rise buildings or well-decorated facade.  

        (2) Neon lights use high voltage, high power consumption, according to one square meter of word work 8 godziny, the annual electricity consumption, in the power limit city, the use of neon lights approval and use process are very high restrictions.  

        (3) In low-rise buildings, the brightness is high, dazzling, and light pollution is serious.  

        (4) Neon lights do not have any protective ability, it is easy to be broken, incomplete, air leakage.  

        In addition to the advantages of no mercury, oszczędzanie energii, material saving, no electromagnetic interference to the environment, no harmful rays and so on, LED light source has many outstanding advantages in the field of lighting, especially in landscape lighting. Such as:  

        (1) Low voltage power supply: no high voltage link, the cost of insulation is much smaller, high reliability;  Also to one square meter of word work 8 godziny, the annual electricity consumption is only degrees.  

        (2) Simple accessories: no starter, ballast or ultra-high voltage transformer;  

        (3) Simple structure: has the biggest advantage of solid light source, no inflation, no glass shell, no gas sealing problem, impact resistance;  

        (4) Pure thick color: produced by the semiconductor PN junction itself color, pure, thick, soft and not dazzling;  

        (5) Rich color: three primary colors and digital technology, can evolve any color;  

        (6) Small size: large LED lamps can be regarded as composed of LED cells, the smallest LED is only square millimeter,  

        Order of magnitude to adapt to point, line, surface, ball, heteroform and any artistic modeling lighting sculpture lighting requirements;  

        (7) No maintenance: 100,000 hours of life, can be used for 50 lat, greatly reducing the maintenance cost during the use;  

        (8) Can achieve jump, gradual change, synchronization and other color changes, through the program control to achieve text, pattern display. At present, the cost of LEDS is relatively high (2-3 times as much as neon lights).  However, considering the cost of electricity and maintenance during use, using LED light sources is more suitable than neon lights. For detailed data comparison, please refer to our other article: LED light sources versus Neon lights.  

        Conclusion three:  

        Due to the high brightness led brightness rise and fall of prices, coupled with the long life, oszczędzanie energii, simple drive and control and the neon lights, from the current use of super high brightness leds made monochrome, multicolor and even the color of light and other shape of lighting units to decorate the tall buildings, Bridges, landscape engineering, led used for landscape lighting is a trend.



        How many LEDs are in a COB LED Strip Light?

        How many LEDs are in a COB LED Strip Light?

        How many beads do LED lights have in general?  

        Mainly about the traditional lamp belt, the number of commonly used lamp beads are: 60 beads/meters, beads/meters, beads/meters, beads/meters!  

        The more beads, the closer the arrangement between the beads, the brighter the lamp belt.  

        If your home lamp belt is hidden installation, you can choose less beads, if it is an open lamp belt, it is recommended to use the lamp groove, and choose at least one meter of light, so that the light effect will be more ideal. And the lamp belt also has single row, double row of points.  

        Led soft light bar Specifications Difference between LED soft light bar and LED hard light bar

        Led soft strip is a relatively advanced lighting lighting in the lighting industry at present. Led soft strip is mainly based on the flexible circuit board made of polyimide PI substrate as the carrier, and is installed into the high-brightness LED emitter chip through series and parallel circuit design, and then connected to the power supply to control the lighting effect. And LED soft light strip is also a kind of LED lamp belt. Led soft strip his characteristics are also very obvious, such as flexible circuit board, good stability, very low power consumption, high efficiency, and the length can also be controlled by itself. So LED soft strip is widely used in many industries.  

        Led soft strip specifications

        According to the luminous color, there are often monochrome bright light belt, monochrome dark light belt, three-color light belt, colorful light belt;  

        According to the size specifications are often *, *, *8mm, *7mm, *6mm, *5mm, *8mm, *6mm, *5mm, *4mm and other types;  

        According to the overall packaging classification: waterproof type, bare type;  

        According to the circuit board surface process classification: OSP oxidation resistance type, gold sink process type;  

        According to the circuit board other process classification: large area sensitive white oil type, large area hot solid white oil type, large area sensitive black oil type, large area hot solid black oil type.  

        FlexLightBar. This is the English name of LED soft light strip, which means flexible light strip. And Chinese LED soft light strip is the same thing, but the name is different.  

        Led soft strip price

        Often with the flexible circuit board made of polyimide PI substrate as the carrier, through the series and parallel circuit design of high brightness LED luminescent chip, with the connection of power supply and light emitting program controller to achieve a variety of dazzling lighting effects of LED lamp belt, called LED soft strip.  

        Thermal conductivity double-sided tape LED light strip: ¥11/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

        One meter 54 lamp RGB full color running horse: ¥47/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

        Patch LED soft strip: ¥22/ meter (price source network, for reference only)  

        Drip sleeve LED soft light bar: ¥14.6/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

        Shenzhen spot hot soft light bar: ¥8/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

        LED soft light strip and LED hard light strip difference

        1, LED hard strip is made of PCB hard board assembly circuit board, LED useful patch LED assembly, also useful direct plug LED assembly, depending on the need for different components. The advantages of hard strip are relatively easy to fix, processing and installation are more convenient;  The disadvantage is that it cannot be bent at will and is not suitable for irregular places. There are 60 LED and 72 LED patches for hard lamp strips.  

        2, the flexible LED lamp belt is made of FPC as the assembly circuit board, with the SMT LED assembly, so that the thickness of the product is only the thickness of a coin, does not take up space;  The general specifications are 30 DOPROWADZIŁO, 60 DOPROWADZIŁO, DOPROWADZIŁO, itp., different users have different specifications. And can be cut at will, can also be arbitrarily extended and light is not affected. FPC is a soft material that can be bent, folded and wound at will, and can be moved and expanded in three dimensions without breaking. It is suitable for irregular places and narrow Spaces, and can be arbitrarily bent and wound, suitable for any combination of patterns in advertising decoration.  

        Led soft light strip is a very common light source in our life, in advertising signs, three-dimensional luminous words, advertising light box, car taillights, headlights, special clothing, mobile phone background light and signal sensor light are used. And LED soft light strip can be divided into monochrome light belt, monochrome dark light belt, three-color light belt, colorful light belt, and he is also very convenient to install, but when you install it, we must do a good job of waterproof work, and the lamps and lanterns in the installation to reinforce, the interface should also do a good job of waterproof work. In addition, we must pay attention to his safety performance when we choose and buy.



        Which is the best COB LED Strip Light factory from China?

        Which is the best COB LED Strip Light factory from China?

        Huizhou AMOWO Industrial Co., Sp. z o.o.

        AMOWO Industrial Co., Sp. z o.o. is a professional manufacturer. Specializing in making LED Lighting, z 10 years export experience.We pay more attention to products quality. Z doskonałym systemem zarządzania, skilled technical personnel and creative R&zespół D, możemy wykonać produkty na zamówienie z wymaganiami klienta, and provide OEM service.We would like to cooperate with partners all over the world, na zasadzie równości i wzajemnych korzyści. Nasze produkty są eksportowane do Europy, Ameryka północna, Azja, Bliski Wschód i inne regiony. Możemy Cię zapewnić o jakości, korzystne warunki i kredyt. Według klientów możemy zapewnić najbardziej zadowolone usługi OEM w możliwie najkrótszym czasie’ wymagania. AMOWO nalega na “produkty, praca, profesjonalny, stężony” filozofia biznesu. Nasz doskonały zespół sprzedaży jest zawsze do Twojej dyspozycji!

        Cob lamp belt and LED lamp belt which good

        LED light feels better, with high brightness and stability

        Lamp bead manufacturer recommended

        Cob strip power

        Cob lamp belt power to between watts. The COB in LED lamp refers to the COB light source used in the LED lamp. ChipOnboard stands for COB light source. Cob light source is an integrated surface light source technology that directly pastes the LED chip on the mirror metal substrate with high reflective rate.  

        Lamp belt one meter powerbetween watts, each meter on the small beads no less than 30 intervals 3 centimeters, 15 meters is close to, with LED light emitting diode, each power 0.05 watts, so a total power of 25 watts, such as ordinary small beads, each bead power about 0.2 to 0.3 watts.  

        This paper mainly introduces

          Of course, it also includes flexible lamp belt and hard lamp belt.  

        FlexLEDStrip, this is the English name of flexible LED light strip, Flex in Google translation is flexible, in Yahoo translation is conductive wire, but the foreign customers say FlexLEDStrip is what we call flexible LED light strip.  

        Which brand of COB light source has good quality?  

        Why does COB light strip appear uneven luminous phenomenon

        Uneven light strip, mainly related to the line design, the light strip has a maximum connection length, according to the use of the drive power supply, is constant voltage power supply or constant current power supply, to calculate the maximum connection length of the line effect, can ensure that the LED strip in the light when the consistency.
