What is the demand for LED Channel in the LED lighting industry? by amowo - December 13,2022 The demand for LED channels in the LED lighting industry is rising. LEDs are becoming more popular in commercial and residential applications bec ...
Namestitev LED aluminijastega profila: nasvete in trike za lažjo namestitev
Namestitev LED aluminijastega profila: tips and tricks for an easier installation by amowo - December 12,2022 Installing an LED aluminium profile is a simple process with few steps and can be done in less than an hour. The main advantage of LED ...
Kakšne so prednosti LED profila?
Kakšne so prednosti LED profila? by amowo - December 10,2022 Led profili so vse večji trend v svetlobni industriji. Zagotavljajo učinkovitejši in natančnejši vir svetlobe kot tradicionalne žarnice z žarilno nitko ali fluorescentne luči. Th ...
LED trakovi Kaj naredi dobro kakovost ?
LED trakovi Kaj naredi dobro kakovost ? http://led-light-amowo.com/product/2835-no-welding-high-cri-24v-12v-led-strip-warm-white-flexible-2835-led-strip-light/ LED lamp with what brand good lamp strip what brand is good Although it is not ...
Kakšen je postopek izdelave LED trakov?
Kakšen je postopek izdelave LED trakov? http://led-light-amowo.com/product/2835-high-cri-24v-12v-led-strip-custom-warm-white-60leds-120leds-flexible-2835-led-strip-light/ What is the LED production processWhat is the LED chip manufacturin ...
Iz česa so izdelani LED neonski napisi?
Iz česa so izdelani LED neonski napisi? http://led-light-amowo.com/product/low-voltage-flexible-strip-led-neon-light-custom-flex-rope-24v-12v-decoration-light-neon/ What is neon? Barvna cev (barvno steklo) in the glass factory production ...
LED neonska luč in steklene cevi Kakšna je razlika?
LED neonska luč in steklene cevi Kakšna je razlika? http://led-light-amowo.com/product/wholesale-project-2835-flex-neon-led-light-strip-12v-24v-party-silicon-neon-light/ LED neon lights Since the advent of neon lights, after a hundre ...
LED in LED neonska luč Kakšna je razlika?
LED in LED neonska luč Kakšna je razlika? http://led-light-amowo.com/product/silicone-integrated-extrusion-flexible-led-rope-light-dc12v-dc24v-led-light-neon/ Why say LED Lantern Festival can? What's the difference between it and ...
Koliko LED diod je v LED traku COB?
Koliko LED diod je v LED traku COB? http://led-light-amowo.com/product/20m-30m-40m-50m-60m-led-strip-light-5050-2835-ultra-long-low-voltage-24v-48v-rgb-flex-led-strip/ How many beads do LED lights have in general? Mainly about t ...
Katera je najboljša tovarna LED trakov COB iz Kitajske?
Katera je najboljša tovarna LED trakov COB iz Kitajske? http://led-light-amowo.com/product/dual-color-cob-led-strip-2700k-to-6500k-24v-12v-cct-double-color-tunable-white-cob-led-strip-light/ Huizhou AMOWO Industrial Co., doo. AMOWO Industria ...