mobilni telefon 3

What are LED Neon Light signs made of?

What are LED Neon Light signs made of?

What is neon?  

Color tube (colored glass) in the glass factory production that has been added yellow, rdeča, blue, green and other pigments, are manually blown, so the price is high and the diameter error is large. Neon light is a long discharge cold anode luminous discharge device, the use of short-wave ultraviolet excitation phosphors (such as tungstate, borate, silicate, phosphate phosphors).  Its luminous principle is low pressure mercury discharge produces millimeter ultraviolet light, and then from millimeter ultraviolet light excitation of various phosphors, so as to obtain a number of colors of neon light. Neon principle in the closed glass tube, filled with neon, helium, argon and other gases, the two ends of the tube are equipped with two metal electrodes, electrodes are generally made of copper material, electrode lead access to the power supply circuit, with a high voltage transformer, 10~ voltage on the electrode. Because the gas inside the tube is made up of countless molecules, the molecules and atoms are neutral under normal conditions. Under the action of high voltage, a small number of free electrons move to the anode, and the rapid dissociation of gas molecules stimulates the accelerated movement of electrons, so that the gas in the tube conducts electricity and gives out color glow (also known as rainbow light).  The luminous color of neon principle is related to the gas used in the tube and the color of the lamp;  Neon principle Neon gas glows golden if it is filled in a yellowish tube, ali rumeno-belo, če je brezbarvno in prozorno. Neonski princip Za ustvarjanje različnih barv svetlobe, uporabite veliko različnih barv svetlobnih cevi ali jih napolnite z različnimi plini. Neon je narejen iz steklenih cevi, ki jih je mogoče žgati in upogniti v poljubno obliko z veliko prilagodljivostjo. Z izbiro različnih tipov cevi in ​​njihovim polnjenjem z različnimi inertnimi plini, neon lahko ustvari barvito, večbarvna svetloba. Konstrukcija in princip neonskih luči nista zapletena. V stekleni cevi, zaprti na obeh koncih, nameščeni sta dve elektrodi, zrak v cevi se izvleče, nato pa med elektrodama teče več kot deset tisoč voltov visokonapetostnega enosmernega toka. Redek zrak v cevi se bo ioniziral, povzročijo pojav praznjenja, and give out light. If the air is pumped out and small amounts of different inert gases or mercury vapors are filled inside the tubes, the lights will take on different colors: when filled with neon, they will glow orange-red.  

LED neon lights

Since the advent of neon lights, after a hundred years of unfailing. It is a special low pressure cold cathode glow discharge electric light source, and is different from other such as fluorescent lamp, high pressure sodium lamp, metal halide lamp, mercury lamp, žarnice z žarilno nitko in druge obločne svetilke. Neonske luči proizvaja žarilna razelektritev s hladno katodo pod visokonapetostnim poljem inertnega plina, napolnjenega v stekleni cevi. Barvo neonske svetilke določajo spektralne značilnosti inertnega plina. Fluorescentne neonske luči so napolnjene z argonom in živim srebrom, medtem ko neonske luči oddajajo modro in rumeno svetlobo. Ti dve vrsti neonskih luči nastaneta z vzbujenim sevanjem iz atomov delovnega plina v cevi. V primerjavi z drugimi električnimi viri svetlobe, neonske luči imajo naslednje značilnosti:  

Prvič, visoka učinkovitost

Neonske luči se zanašajo na elektrode na obeh koncih svetlobe v visokonapetostnem polju bo inertni plin v cevi, it is different from the ordinary light source must burn tungsten wire to high temperature to light, resulting in a large amount of electric energy in the form of heat energy is consumed, therefore, with the same amount of electric energy, neon has a higher brightness.  

Two, the temperature is low, the use is not restricted by climate

Neon lamp because of its cold cathode property, the tube temperature is below 60°C when it works, so it can be placed in the open air in sunlight and rain or in the body.  

Low energy consumption

In the era of continuous technological innovation, tehnologija izdelave neonskih luči in tehnična raven povezanih delov se nenehno izboljšujeta. Uporaba novih elektrod in elektronskih transformatorjev je močno zmanjšala porabo energije neonskih luči, od 56 vatov na meter svetilke do 12 vatov na meter svetilke.  

štiri, dolgo življenje

Neonske luči v neprekinjenem delovanju pod pogojem neprekinjene električne energije, življenje več kot 10,000 ure, to prednost je težko doseči kateri koli drug električni vir svetlobe.  

Pet, fleksibilna proizvodnja, raznolike barve

Neon je narejen iz steklenih cevi, ki jih je mogoče žgati in upogniti v poljubno obliko z veliko prilagodljivostjo. Z izbiro različnih tipov cevi in ​​njihovim polnjenjem z različnimi inertnimi plini, neon lahko ustvari barvito, večbarvna svetloba.  

Šest, dinamično, dober učinek, ekonomsko in praktično

Neonski svetlobni zaslon s stalno svetlobno cevjo in sestavo cevi za dinamično skeniranje svetlobe, lahko nastavite na skeniranje skokov, postopno skeniranje, mixed color change seven color scan. Scanning tube by equipped with microcomputer chip programming scanner control, scanning tube according to the programmed program light or off, forming a flow of pictures, like a rainbow in the sky, like the Milky Way, more like a dream world, fascinating, unforgettable. Therefore, neon is a form of advertising with less investment, strong effect and economic utility


LED Neon Light and glass-tubes What is the difference?

LED Neon Light and glass-tubes What is the difference?

LED neon lights

Since the advent of neon lights, after a hundred years of unfailing. It is a special low pressure cold cathode glow discharge electric light source, and is different from other such as fluorescent lamp, high pressure sodium lamp, metal halide lamp, mercury lamp, žarnice z žarilno nitko in druge obločne svetilke. Neonske luči proizvaja žarilna razelektritev s hladno katodo pod visokonapetostnim poljem inertnega plina, napolnjenega v stekleni cevi. Barvo neonske svetilke določajo spektralne značilnosti inertnega plina. Fluorescentne neonske luči so napolnjene z argonom in živim srebrom, medtem ko neonske luči oddajajo modro in rumeno svetlobo. Ti dve vrsti neonskih luči nastaneta z vzbujenim sevanjem iz atomov delovnega plina v cevi. V primerjavi z drugimi električnimi viri svetlobe, neonske luči imajo naslednje značilnosti:  

Prvič, visoka učinkovitost

Neonske luči se zanašajo na elektrode na obeh koncih svetlobe v visokonapetostnem polju bo inertni plin v cevi, it is different from the ordinary light source must burn tungsten wire to high temperature to light, resulting in a large amount of electric energy in the form of heat energy is consumed, therefore, with the same amount of electric energy, neon has a higher brightness.

Two, the temperature is low, the use is not restricted by climate

Neon lamp because of its cold cathode property, the tube temperature is below 60°C when it works, so it can be placed in the open air in sunlight and rain or in the body.  

Low energy consumption

In the era of continuous technological innovation, tehnologija izdelave neonskih luči in tehnična raven povezanih delov se nenehno izboljšujeta. Uporaba novih elektrod in elektronskih transformatorjev je močno zmanjšala porabo energije neonskih luči, od 56 vatov na meter svetilke do 12 vatov na meter svetilke.  

štiri, dolgo življenje

Neonske luči v neprekinjenem delovanju pod pogojem neprekinjene električne energije, življenje več kot 10,000 ure, to prednost je težko doseči kateri koli drug električni vir svetlobe.  

Pet, fleksibilna proizvodnja, raznolike barve

Neon je narejen iz steklenih cevi, ki jih je mogoče žgati in upogniti v poljubno obliko z veliko prilagodljivostjo. Z izbiro različnih tipov cevi in ​​njihovim polnjenjem z različnimi inertnimi plini, neon lahko ustvari barvito, večbarvna svetloba.  

Šest, dinamično, dober učinek, ekonomsko in praktično

Neonski svetlobni zaslon s stalno svetlobno cevjo in sestavo cevi za dinamično skeniranje svetlobe, lahko nastavite na skeniranje skokov, postopno skeniranje, mixed color change seven color scan. Scanning tube by equipped with microcomputer chip programming scanner control, scanning tube according to the programmed program light or off, forming a flow of pictures, like a rainbow in the sky, like the Milky Way, more like a dream world, fascinating, unforgettable. Therefore, neon is a form of advertising with less investment, strong effect and economic utility

AMOWO Industrial Co., doo. is a professional manufacturer. Specializing in making LED Lighting, z 10 years export experience.We pay more attention to products quality. With perfect management system, skilled technical personnel and creative R&D team, we can custom-made products with customer’s requirments, and provide OEM service.We would like to cooperate with partners all over the world, on the basis of equality and mutual benefits. Our products are exported to Europe, North America, Asia, Middle East and other regions. We can assure you of the quality, favorable terms and credit. We can provide the most satisfied OEM services in the shortest possible time according to customersrequirements. AMOWO insists on theproducts, service, professional, concentratedbusiness philosophy. Our excellent sales team is always at your service!


led and LED Neon Light What is the difference?

led and LED Neon Light What is the difference?

Why say LED Lantern Festival can?  What’s the difference between it and neon?  What’s wrong with LED lights?  

Neon lights and ordinary energy-saving lamps are gaseous discharge luminescence principle. Neon lights are produced by the use of high pressure ionized gas at cold poles, and they give out different colors because of the gas filled in the tube. Ordinary energy-saving lamp is by the filament heating electrons free impact mercury atoms emit ULTRAVIOLET light and then stimulate the phosphor to transform color, emit visible light.  

Using different phosphors produces different colors. Therefore, neon lights and ordinary energy-saving lamps are linear tube, large volume, especially neon tubes will have transport problems.  

In terms of luminous efficiency, each lamp has different luminous efficiency in different colors. Until now, the gap between the efficiency of LED white light and that of conventional CFLS was relatively small. But after that, LED white light will surpass ordinary energy-saving lamps and gradually widen the gap. The overall light efficiency of red LED light is higher than that of neon light, while the overall light efficiency of neon light is higher than that of green LED light. LED lights in the market of commercial signs can only be dominant in a small space environment, larger sign advertising, neon lights as a whole cost-effective.  

The main shortcomings of LED lamps are light decay and heat dissipation problems, but these problems are constantly improving. The combination ability of LED lamp and digital technology and the mechanism of variable color are absolute advantages;  In the future, production costs will continue to decrease, and LED power will come to the fore in the market competition.  

The pros and cons of LED versus neon

Neon light is a very wide range of outdoor advertising forms.(1) Rich color, rdeča, orange, yellow, zelena, zelena, blue, purple and other colors.  

(2) High brightness, suitable for high-rise buildings.  

(2) Built-in chip control, rich in dynamic, can achieve a variety of color, pattern change

(3) Moderate cost.(1) Because the neon light should be attached to the metal characters or metal plate surface, exposed to it, the line is also exposed, so the effect is poor during the day, not suitable for low-rise buildings or well-decorated facade.  

(2) Neon lights use high voltage, high power consumption, according to one square meter of word work 8 ure, the annual electricity consumption, in the power limit city, the use of neon lights approval and use process are very high restrictions.  

(3) In low-rise buildings, the brightness is high, dazzling, and light pollution is serious.  

(4) Neon lights do not have any protective ability, it is easy to be broken, incomplete, air leakage.  

In addition to the advantages of no mercury, varčevanje z energijo, material saving, no electromagnetic interference to the environment, no harmful rays and so on, LED light source has many outstanding advantages in the field of lighting, especially in landscape lighting. Such as:  

(1) Low voltage power supply: no high voltage link, the cost of insulation is much smaller, high reliability;  Also to one square meter of word work 8 ure, the annual electricity consumption is only degrees.  

(2) Simple accessories: no starter, ballast or ultra-high voltage transformer;  

(3) Simple structure: has the biggest advantage of solid light source, no inflation, no glass shell, no gas sealing problem, impact resistance;  

(4) Pure thick color: produced by the semiconductor PN junction itself color, pure, thick, soft and not dazzling;  

(5) Rich color: three primary colors and digital technology, can evolve any color;  

(6) Small size: large LED lamps can be regarded as composed of LED cells, the smallest LED is only square millimeter,  

Order of magnitude to adapt to point, line, surface, ball, heteroform and any artistic modeling lighting sculpture lighting requirements;  

(7) No maintenance: 100,000 hours of life, can be used for 50 let, greatly reducing the maintenance cost during the use;  

(8) Can achieve jump, gradual change, synchronization and other color changes, through the program control to achieve text, pattern display. At present, the cost of LEDS is relatively high (2-3 times as much as neon lights).  However, considering the cost of electricity and maintenance during use, using LED light sources is more suitable than neon lights. For detailed data comparison, please refer to our other article: LED light sources versus Neon lights.  

Conclusion three:  

Due to the high brightness led brightness rise and fall of prices, coupled with the long life, varčevanje z energijo, simple drive and control and the neon lights, from the current use of super high brightness leds made monochrome, multicolor and even the color of light and other shape of lighting units to decorate the tall buildings, Bridges, landscape engineering, led used for landscape lighting is a trend.

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mobilni telefon 3

Ali so LED luči energetsko učinkovitejše od LED neonskih luči?

Ali so LED luči energetsko učinkovitejše od LED neonskih luči?

Kar prihrani več energije, CFLS ali LED?  

Nasprotno, LED luči so energetsko varčnejše, energetsko učinkovitejši in tehnološko naprednejši. Ne glede na svetlost ali vidike varčevanja z energijo so boljše od energetsko varčnih sijalk. Vredno priporočiti nakup, več električne varnosti.  

Kakšna je razlika med LED in CFLS?  Kar je bolj energetsko učinkovito?  

Energijsko varčna sijalka in LED, saj smo na trgu bolj pogosti dve vrsti svetilk, bomo neizogibno imeli nekaj zmede, energijsko varčna sijalka in LED sijalka, kar je dobro? Kakšna je razlika med CFLS in LED? Oglejmo si popolnejšo sliko CFLS in LED.

The main luminous material of energy-saving lamps is still tungsten wire. The principle is that electrons will be generated after the tungsten wire is energized and heated, and certain technical means will be used to accelerate electrons. CFLS are designed to have a vacuum tube filled with mercury, or mercury. The accelerated electrons interact with the evaporated mercury atoms to produce ultraviolet light. Fluorescent material is coated in the tube of energy-saving lamp, and ultraviolet light hits the fluorescent material to produce light.  

LED lamp is through a LED lamp bead series or parallel, these LED lamp bead is composed of LED, under the action of integrated circuit chip will be ac power supply into voltage, current and LED set matching DC, in order to meet the requirements of LED lamp bead assembly, so that it can normal light.  

LED lamps do not produce noise and are preferred in places where fine electronic instruments are used. Suitable for libraries, offices, things like that. The light is gentle and maintains the eyes. Conventional fluorescent lamps run on alternating current, so they produce up to one strobe per second. LED lamps convert ALTERNATING current to direct current, no flicker, eye maintenance.  

Ordinary energy-saving lamps contain mercury elements. If the bulb is damaged, it will affect people’s safety. The average life is one year. However, LED CFLS are all solid luminescent, solid cold light source, epoxy resin package, service life of up to five years, 10 times that of CFLS. Once installed, it will not be replaced for 5 years. The appearance is noble, gorgeous and generous. And LED energy-saving lamp color is also very rich, but also has shockproof, waterproof, environmental protection and other functions.