Kakšen je postopek izdelave LED trakov?
What is the LED production process
What is the LED chip manufacturing process?
Actually epitaxial wafer production process is very complex, in the exhibition after the epitaxial wafer, began to LED epitaxial wafer do next electrode (P, N), and then began to use laser machine for cutting the LED epitaxial wafer (previously LED epitaxial wafer mainly use diamond cutting knife), made into a chip, in different locations in the wafer on extraction of nine points test parameters.
- Mainly test the voltage, wavelength and brightness of the wafers that can meet the normal shipping standard parameters and then proceed with the next operation. If the nine-point test does not meet the relevant requirements, the wafers will be put aside for another processing.
2, wafer cutting into chips, % visual inspection (VI/VC), the operator should use magnification microscope 30 times for visual inspection.
3, then use automatic classifier according to different voltage, wavelength, brightness prediction parameters of the chip to fully automatic selection, testing and classification. - Končno, check (VC) and label the LED chip. The chip area shall be in the center of the blue film, and there shall be at most chips on the blue film, but the number of chips on each blue film shall not be less than chips, and the chip type, lot number, quantity and photoelectric measurement statistics shall be recorded on the label attached to the back of the waxy paper. The chips on the blue film will undergo the final visual inspection according to the same standards as the first visual inspection to ensure that the chips are neatly arranged and of good quality. This makes LED chips (collectively known as squares on the market at present).
In the process of LED chip production, the chip with some defects or electrode wear, sorted out, these are the loose crystals behind, at this time in the blue film there are some do not meet the normal shipping requirements of the chip, it will naturally become a side piece or hair, etc.
Talked about in different locations on the wafer extraction parameters testing, nine points do to do not conform to the requirements of the wafer for additional processing, these cannot be directly used to make the LED wafer square piece, also won’t do any sorting, sold directly to customers, which is currently on the market the LED wafer (but also have good things in your wafer, such as the party).
LED neonske luči

Od pojava neonskih luči, after a hundred years of unfailing. It is a special low pressure cold cathode glow discharge electric light source, in se razlikuje od drugih, kot je fluorescenčna sijalka, visokotlačna natrijeva svetilka, kovinska halogenska svetilka, živosrebrna svetilka, incandescent lamp and other arc lamp. Neon lights are produced by a cold cathode glow discharge under a high voltage field of inert gas filled in a glass tube. The color of the neon lamp is determined by the spectral characteristics of the inert gas. Fluorescent neon lights are filled with argon and mercury, medtem ko neonske luči oddajajo modro in rumeno svetlobo. These two types of neon lights are generated by excited radiation from the atoms of the working gas in the tube. Compared with other electric light sources, neonske luči imajo naslednje značilnosti:
Prvič, visoka učinkovitost
Neonske luči se zanašajo na elektrode na obeh koncih svetlobe v visokonapetostnem polju bo inertni plin v cevi, razlikuje se od navadnega svetlobnega vira, mora žgati volframovo žico na visoko temperaturo, da bi svetloba, zaradi česar se porabi velika količina električne energije v obliki toplotne energije, torej, z enako količino električne energije, neon ima višjo svetlost.
Dva, temperatura je nizka, uporaba ni podnebno omejena
Neonska svetilka zaradi svoje lastnosti hladne katode, temperatura cevi je pod 60 °C, ko deluje, zato ga lahko postavite na prosto v sončni svetlobi in dežju ali v telo.
Nizka poraba energije
V dobi nenehnih tehnoloških inovacij, the manufacturing technology of neon lights and the technical level of related parts are constantly improving. The application of new electrodes and electronic transformers has greatly reduced the power consumption of neon lights, od 56 vatov na meter svetilke do 12 vatov na meter svetilke.
štiri, dolgo življenje
Neonske luči v neprekinjenem delovanju pod pogojem neprekinjene električne energije, življenje več kot 10,000 ure, to prednost je težko doseči kateri koli drug električni vir svetlobe.
Pet, fleksibilna proizvodnja, raznolike barve
Neon je narejen iz steklenih cevi, ki jih je mogoče žgati in upogniti v poljubno obliko z veliko prilagodljivostjo. Z izbiro različnih tipov cevi in njihovim polnjenjem z različnimi inertnimi plini, neon lahko ustvari barvito, večbarvna svetloba.
Šest, dinamično, dober učinek, ekonomsko in praktično
Neonski svetlobni zaslon s stalno svetlobno cevjo in sestavo cevi za dinamično skeniranje svetlobe, lahko nastavite na skeniranje skokov, postopno skeniranje, mešana sprememba barve sedem barvno skeniranje. Skenirna cev je opremljena s krmiljenjem skenerja za programiranje mikroračunalniškega čipa, cev za skeniranje glede na programirano lučko programa ali izklopljeno, oblikovanje toka slik, kot mavrica na nebu, kot Rimska cesta, bolj kot sanjski svet, fascinantno, nepozabno. Zato, neon je oblika oglaševanja z manj vložki, močan učinek in gospodarska uporabnost