
SMD and COB LED Strip Light What is the difference?

SMD and COB LED Strip Light What is the difference?

What is the difference between coB downlights and LED downlights

1. Different technology

Leds are solid-state semiconductor devices that convert electricity directly into light. Led, as the third generation of lighting technology after incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp, has the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, safety and reliability.  

Cob light source is directly attached to the led chip high reflective rate of mirror surface of high photosynthetic efficiency of metal substrate integrated light source technology, the technology to eliminate the concept of stents, electroless plating, reflow soldering, SMT process, so the process to reduce by almost a third, cost savings by a third, popular terms is more advanced than led lights, и лампа која штити око.  

2. Различито осветљење

Лед светла могу уштедети енергију, environmental protection, нема строботрона без УЛТРАВИОЛЕТНОГ зрачења, недостатак је штета плавог светла. Цоб лампа са високим приказом боја, светла боја блиска природној боји, но стробосцопиц, без одсјаја, нема електромагнетног зрачења, нема ултраљубичастог зрачења, Инфрацрвено зрачење, може заштитити очи и кожу.  

Цоб предности

1. Предности производње и ефикасности производње

Процес производње ЦОБ амбалаже је у основи исти као код традиционалног СМД производног процеса. Ефикасност ЦОБ паковања је у основи иста као и СМД паковања у процесу чврстог кристала и линије за заваривање. Међутим, ефикасност ЦОБ амбалаже је много већа него код СМД производа у издавању, одвајање, цепање и паковање.  

The labor and manufacturing cost of traditional SMD packaging is about 15% of the material cost, while the labor and manufacturing cost of COB packaging is about 10% of the material cost. With COB packaging, the labor and manufacturing cost can be saved by 5%.  

2, low thermal resistance advantage

The system thermal resistance of traditional SMD packaging application is: chipsolid crystal gelsolder jointsolder pastecopper foilinsulation layeraluminum material. COB package system thermal resistance: chipsolid crystal gelaluminum. The system thermal resistance of COB package is much lower than that of traditional SMD package, which greatly improves the life of LED.  

.  3, light quality advantage

Traditional SMD packages attach multiple discrete components to THE PCB in the form of patches to form light source components for LED applications, which has problems of spot light, glare and glow-out. COB packaging is integrated packaging, is a surface light source, the advantage is a large Angle of view and easy to adjust, reduce the loss of light refraction

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