What is the demand for LED Channel in the LED lighting industry?


What is the demand for LED Channel in the LED lighting industry?

by amowoDecember 13,2022

The demand for LED channels in the LED lighting industry is rising. LEDs are becoming more popular in commercial and residential applications because of their brightness, sustainability, and energy efficiency. With the increase in LED lighting, companies are looking to find ways to use LEDs in new and innovative ways.

One way that LEDs are being used in new and innovative ways is as a channel light.

LED Lighting is becoming more and more popular in the market

Many people are using LED lights to replace traditional light bulbs, as they have many benefits over standard bulbs. Some of these benefits include

1. They are much cheaper than traditional light bulbs.

2. They are better quality than traditional light bulbs.

3. They last longer than traditional light bulbs.

4. They produce a much brighter light than traditional lightbulbs.

More and more people are looking for ways to improve their lighting setups. One way to do this is by using led channels. These channels allow you to connect different LED lights to get better light.

The demand for LED channels has grown in recent years.

The demand for LED channels has grown in recent years as manufacturers of LED products have come up with ever more advanced lighting technologies. With the advent of LEDs, there is now a demand for products that can produce intense and bright light. This has led to new LED channels being created, which offer a higher level of performance than traditional light bulbs.

LED鋁通道因其高效的性能和低廉的價格而變得越來越受歡迎. 鋁是通道材料的熱門選擇,因為它易於加工且反應性低.


LED 通道擴散器的用途

LED 通道的日常用途之一是在房間中創造更自然的照明效果. LED通道可漫射光, 使其更均勻地分佈在整個房間. 這可以創造更身臨其境和真實的體驗,並有助於照亮控制台或桌面空間.

使用 LED 通道擴散器的一個主要好處是它可以幫助提高燈泡的亮度. 這是因為當 LED 燈泡發出的光照射到擴散器的一側時, it creates a brighter light than when the light from the other side is used. 此外, an LED channel diffuser can be used in place of or in addition to a traditional lightbulb.

Led channels diffuser are used to improve the overall light distribution in a room. By using led channel diffusers, you can get better light diffusion for your space by increasing the brightness of the morning.

There is a significant demand for LED channels in the LED lighting industry, as it offers a Wide Range of Features and Performance compared to other Lighting technologies.

The LED lighting industry is rapidly growing, with significant demand for channel designs that offer a broad range of features and performance. Recessed led channel designs are often seen as the most popular option due to their simple design and low cost. Ceiling led channel designs offer similar features but can be more expensive.

LED lighting has become a popular choice in many homes and businesses because of its wide range of features and performance. Some of the benefits of using LED lighting include its ability to save energy, make your home more glowy, and improve your property’s overall look and feel. Companies are looking for ways to create products that offer a wide range of features and performance to meet the demand for LED channels in the LED Lighting industry. One such option is a silicone led channel. Silicone led channels provide a great range of features that can be used in various applications, making them ideal for multiple businesses and homes.


To meet the demand for LED channels, manufacturers must provide a wide range of products that meet different needs.

LED channel manufacturers are facing a growing demand for their products, but they must provide a wide range of products to meet different needs. This requires a more differentiated product line and careful planning when designing products.

LED light fixtures are becoming more popular every year. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that they produce very little heat, are small and easy to install, and can be turned on and off quickly. To meet the demand for this type of light fixture, manufacturers must provide a wide range of products that can meet different needs.

Some manufacturers have made it their mission to create channel items that will be perfect for any home or business. Other companies are more creative and try to design products that will fit just about any need. It is essential for consumers to find the right product for them, as there is no one size when it comes to LED light fixtures.


綜上所述, the demand for LED channels in the LED lighting industry is high. This is due to the growing popularity of LED bulbs and home lighting and the increasing use of LEDs in professional lighting. There are many different types of LEDs, so choosing the right one for your project is essential.

惠州阿莫沃實業有限公司, 有限公司. 十多年. 我們經驗豐富的專業工程師和銷售團隊為您服務. 我們可以提供 低起訂量, 定制, 一站式解決方案服務.

如果您想要LED鋁製配置文件目錄 多於 300+ 楷模 或者 免費樣品, 歡迎通過 WhatsApp的 或者 電子郵件. 您也可以選擇貿易保證通過 Alibaba.com 保護在線訂單: https://amowotech.en.alibaba.com/


    安裝LED鋁製配置文件: 提示和竅門,以更輕鬆的安裝


    安裝LED鋁製配置文件: 提示和竅門,以更輕鬆的安裝

    by amowoDecember 12,2022

    Installing an LED aluminium profile is a simple process with few steps and can be done in less than an hour. The main advantage of LEDs over other light sources is their long life span and ability to emit light in a wide range of colours. An LED aluminium profile may be your best bet if you are looking for a lighting solution that can be used in various applications.

    What are the features of LED Aluminium Profile?

    LED aluminium profile is a new type of light aluminium with many advantages over traditional aluminium profiles. It offers a more efficient light output, better heat dissipation, and improved brightness.

    What are the features of LED aluminium profiles? LEDs use smaller and more powerful light than traditional lights, making them perfect for various applications such as interior design, medical equipment, and industrial signage. LED aluminium profiles offer a range of options to improve the performance of your LED lighting system.

    LED aluminium profile is a type of non-metallic material that is used to create an efficient light bulb. The alumina layer in the LED aluminium profile helps to improve the luminous flux, which results in a smaller heat load and longer life. 此外, alumina helps to control the colour temperature and brightness of LEDs.

    The Benefits of LED Aluminium Profile?

    LED aluminium profiles offer many benefits for the jewellery industry, including increased luminosity and colour accuracy, decreased power consumption, and improved heat dissipation.

    If you’re looking for a more environmentally-friendly option for your LED lightbulbs, an aluminium profile may be a good option. Aluminium is one of the most efficient materials for emitting light, saving you money on your energy bill. 此外, using aluminium profiles in your LEDs can help improve their quality and brightness.

    The benefits of using an aluminium profile for LED lighting are many and include decreased power usage, increased brightness, and increased lifespan. 此外, alumina is environmentally friendly and can reduce energy consumption by up to 50%.


    How to buy an aluminium profile

    Do you want to buy an aluminium profile? LED Aluminium Profile can be a great choice if you want a quality aluminium profile. LED Aluminium Profile is a durable and affordable option that can make your LED Light look more professional.

    Aluminium profiles are a popular option for LED lighting. They are lightweight and can be easily integrated into existing fixtures. An aluminium profile can create a beautiful, timeless look for your LEDs when chosen correctly. Here are some tips on how to buy an aluminium profile:

    1. research the options available before making your purchase. Many companies produce aluminium profiles, so it is essential to find one that offers a variety of options and pricing.

    2. be sure to read the reviews before making your decision. These reviews can help you understand what others have experienced with their aluminium profiles and give you a better idea of how well they will perform in your application.

    3. Consider that different LEDs require different wattages for good brightness and life expectancy. Be sure to choose an aluminium profile with enough Wattage capacity to support your LED lights!

    The best way to buy an aluminium profile is to research and find a reputable supplier. Aluminium profiles are becoming more popular as they offer many advantages over other metals. One of the essential advantages is their low heat output. Aluminium profiles also provide a sleek and modern look, which can benefit specific applications.

    What are the steps to install a LED aluminium profile?

    When it comes to LED aluminium profiles, a few key steps need to be taken to complete the installation process. In this article, we’ll look at these steps and how they can help you install an aluminium profile successfully.

    Regarding LED aluminium profiles, the most crucial step is ensuring that your chosen product is compatible with your specific needs. Here are some of the common compatibility issues

    Bolt-on LED aluminium profiles

    -Some LED lighting products do not allow for bolt-on installation. If this is the case for you, consult your installer before starting the installation.

    -To ensure a good fit and compatibility between your lights and your Profile, ensure that both devices are physically close. If they’re not, use pliers or vice versa to force them into contact.

    -If you have any problems with connection or fit, switch lights off and on until you find the right combination.

    Installing an aluminium profile for a LED light is a simple and easy process that requires only a few key steps:

    1. Identify the type of LED you will be using and then select the right size and type of aluminium to fit that LED. Once you have determined the dimensions of your LED light, it is time to begin the installation process by selecting the correct mounting bracket.
    2. Mark out the locations of each screw and hole on the bracket so you can easily find them when installing your LEDs.
    3. Use a wood glue gun or an L-shaped clamp to secure each screw to the bracket and ensure a reliable connection between LEDs and the frame.

    Led profile installation: How to properly install your led Profile.

    Installing an aluminium profile for a LED light is a simple and easy process that requires only a few key steps:

    1. Identify the type of LED you will be using and then select the right size and type of aluminium to fit that LED. Once you have determined the dimensions of your LED light, it is time to begin the installation process by selecting the correct mounting bracket.
    2. Mark out the locations of each screw and hole on the bracket so you can easily find them when installing your LEDs.
    3. Use a wood glue gun or an L-shaped clamp to secure each screw to the bracket and ensure a reliable connection between LEDs and the frame.

    Introducing Led Profile, a new method for installing LEDs on motorcycles

    Led Profile, a new way to install LEDs on motorcycles, has quickly gained popularity among riders due to its easy installation and low cost. This new method is particularly beneficial for those unfamiliar with installing LEDs or who need help finding the right size LED bulb.

    Led Profile is a new method for installing LEDs on motorcycles quickly gaining popularity. Led Profile is a simple, easy-to-use system that allows you to easily and quickly install LEDs on your bike. With Led Profile, you can get the perfect performance from your LEDs while keeping them safe and secure.

    Why might you want to use one on your bike?

    An aluminium profile may be a good option if you’re looking to install an LED strip on your bike. Aluminium has a high-quality finish, making it a great choice for installations like this. 此外, the Profile is lightweight and easy to work with, making it perfect for bikes with a lot of energy input.

    One of the benefits of using aluminium profiles on your bike is that they provide a robust, lightweight and durable build. Aluminium is also environmentally friendly, as it does not produce any harmful emissions.


    綜上所述, LED aluminium profile installation is a simple process that can be completed in a few minutes using standard tools and techniques. By following these steps, you can create a beautiful LED aluminium profile that will look great and brighten up your lighting system.

    If you want to install an LED aluminium profile, here are some tips and tricks to make the process easier. First and foremost, always use common sense when installing aluminium profiles. Second, ensure your tools and abilities are up to par so the installation process can go smoothly. 最後, be sure to check out our store’s other products for even more LED lighting options!

    惠州阿莫沃實業有限公司, 有限公司. 十多年. 我們經驗豐富的專業工程師和銷售團隊為您服務. 我們可以提供 低起訂量, 定制, 一站式解決方案服務.

    如果您想要LED鋁製配置文件目錄 多於 300+ 楷模 或者 免費樣品, 歡迎通過 WhatsApp的 或者 電子郵件. 您也可以選擇貿易保證通過 Alibaba.com 保護在線訂單: https://amowotech.en.alibaba.com/





      by amowoDecember 10,2022

      LED輪廓是照明行業的增長趨勢. 與傳統的白熾燈或熒光燈相比,它們提供了更高效,更準確的光源. 它們可用於各種應用程序,例如家庭劇院, 辦公空間, 和其他對光輸出有嚴格控制的地方.

      LED配置文件是一種在各種應用中使用的新型LED燈,例如標牌, 家庭影院, 和汽車前大燈. 他們比傳統的LED燈具有多種優勢.


      LED輪廓配置文件是一種使用嵌入式LED燈泡的新型LED照明燈具. 這些輪廓可為您的家帶來更定制的外觀,並增加亮度和顏色. 它們非常適合光線很小或亮燈不切實際的區域.

      如果您正在尋找一種負擔得起且簡便的方法來增加天花板光的亮度,則可能是一個不錯的選擇. LED輪廓是牆壁上嵌入式的一種LED燈,可以稍微從牆壁突出. 這使光的外觀和感覺更自然, 可以改善您房屋的整體外觀.


      LED配置文件是照明的流行選擇. 有許多不同類型的LED輪廓可用於點亮房間. 有LED的嵌入式配置文件, 天花板輪廓LED甚至是LED種植者. 這些類型的輪廓之間的主要區別是光的位置. 嵌入式LED輪廓通常將光放在牆壁或天花板上的特定位置, 當天花板和領導的種植者將光放在一般區域.

      LED配置文件是任何家庭影院系統的重要組成部分. 他們可以創造各種效果, 從微妙的光到戲劇性的照明. 市場上有幾個LED配置文件, 根據您的特定需求,適合您. 以下是嵌入式主導的輪廓和天花板主導的輪廓之間的一些主要區別: 

      -嵌入式LED輪廓往往比天花板概況LED系統更小,更簡單, 使他們更負擔得起。

      Recessed profiles typically have lower wattage requirements, 使其非常適合在較小或低瓦的房間中使用。

      Recessed profiles are also less flexible in terms of placement, 這意味著它們在房間的某些地區可能無法正常工作。

      Recessed profiles also require more maintenance than ceiling profile-led systems since they must be regularly cleaned.

      LED配置文件是LED照明的流行選擇. 它們具有不同的形狀和尺寸以滿足您的需求. 嵌入式和天花板主導的輪廓之間存在一些主要區別, 但是他們都有一個共同的目標: 為您提供最佳的光輸出.



      有很多方法可以充分利用您的LED配置文件. 您可以使用嵌入式LED配置文件為您的設計增添色彩和亮度. 您也可以使用黑色配置文件來提高您的策略.

      大多數人認為嵌入式主導的個人資料是最佳的天花板檔案。. 這是由於它們的簡單設計以及它們很容易使用的事實.

      使用個人資料的優點是什麼 引領?

      LED輪廓是一種使用光控制LED放置在表面上的照明. 與傳統燈泡相比,它們具有多項優勢,因此越來越受歡迎.

      一個優點是LED的配置文件可以在各種應用中使用, 包括照亮家庭或辦公室等區域,並為閱讀或其他活動營造柔和的燈光. 另一個好處是它們對環保,不會產生熱量或噪音.

      在天花板中使用嵌入式剖面LED有很多優點. 使用嵌入式配置文件LED, 您可以提高天花板光的亮度和可見性,同時減少其看起來像售後產品的機會. 此外, 懸浮的輪廓LED比其他LED天花板燈更容易安裝,因為它們通常只是滑入天花板的一件.

      1. 它們更有效 - 比傳統的LED燈使用的配置燈使用的能量更少, 這意味著它們持續更長的時間,可以在更多的地方使用.

      2. 它們更容易控制 - 配置文件LED燈很容易打開和關閉, 使它們更易於使用和管理.

      3. 它們更明亮 - 輪廓LED燈比傳統的LED燈更明亮, 使它們更好地激活標誌和家庭劇院等設備.

      4. 它們可以被定制 - 配置文件LED燈可以

      5. 保真度 – profiles led produce a precise light beam because each LED is focused on a single point. 在控制光輸出時,這允許更出色的亮度和準確性.

      6. 效率 – A profile led uses less energy than traditional bulbs, 這意味著您可以節省電費.

      7. 美學 – A profile led looks much better than traditional bulbs, 非常適合家庭影院或辦公空間等應用.


      在開始使用LED頻道之前, 這裡有一些技巧可以幫助您開始: 

      1. 確保您有一個兼容的LED帶

      2. 選擇正確類型的LED帶

      3. 將條帶連接到板上

      4. 使用標頭銷和跳線電線


      綜上所述, LED配置文件可以提供比傳統的亮型形狀的幾個優勢. 這些優點包括以下: 



      -可見度提高, 由於LED燈比傳統的點亮輪廓更明亮,更一致.

      惠州阿莫沃實業有限公司, 有限公司. 十多年. 我們經驗豐富的專業工程師和銷售團隊為您服務. 我們可以提供 低起訂量, 定制, 一站式解決方案服務.

      如果您想要LED鋁製配置文件目錄 多於 300+ 楷模 或者 免費樣品, 歡迎通過 WhatsApp的 或者 電子郵件. 您也可以選擇貿易保證通過 Alibaba.com 保護在線訂單: https://amowotech.en.alibaba.com/


        LED燈條是什麼品質好 ?

        LED燈條是什麼品質好 ?


        雖然不敢說十大品牌的LED燈, 但質量也很好.






        豐榮燈帶, led行業註冊品牌, 創始人專注於led領域超過 10 年. 豐榮是一家專注於批發零售LED燈帶的專業公司, 並承接工程照明服務.


        1, LED燈帶使用壽命很長, 能保證在戶外長時間連續使用.

        2, LED燈帶有多種顏色, 可以通過程序控制, 讓光線變得非常多彩.

        3, LED燈帶具有良好的防水防震效果, 不用擔心燈管損壞造成的日曬雨淋.

        4, LED燈帶安裝非常方便, 省去繁瑣的安裝步驟, 節省安裝成本. 並且有利於更新維護.

        5, LED燈帶比傳統LED燈帶更節能, 大面積長時間使用可為城市節約客觀用電量, 綠色環保.


        1, 節能, 小熱;

        2, 良好的色彩一致性, 大發光角度;

        3, 長壽, 免維護;

        4, 產品輕薄, 適合安裝在狹窄空間;

        5, LED燈帶背面貼有雙面膠, 方便的安裝和建模;

        6, 良好的柔韌性, 可以隨意彎曲不會折斷, 可以彎曲成各種形狀;

        7, 顏色純正柔和華麗, 也可根據要求定制各種顏色或變換;

        8, 低電壓 (電源), 可以保證使用人身安全;

        9, 每個 3 一組 LED, 每組都可以裁剪,不影響其他組的正常使用, 安裝方便.


        1, 家居裝飾 (樓梯照明, 大廳走廊照明, 燈光裝飾, 邊鉤裝飾);

        2, 酒店, 酒吧, KTV, 夜總會等娛樂場所裝飾照明;

        3, 汽車底盤裝飾, 高位剎車指示, 車身裝飾, 室內裝飾;

        4. 路徑指示及外牆輪廓裝飾, 背光廣告牌照明, 廣告牌, 通道信號標誌, 等等;

        5, 建築塔, 橋, 公園廣場輪廓, 建築燈光裝飾, 各類室內外照明工程;

        6, 節日裝飾, 活動場地設置, 展覽場地裝修, 展廳裝修, 展示, 窗戶, 道具及其他裝飾照明應用.




        其實外延片的生產流程非常複雜, 在外延片展會後, 開始LED外延片做下一個電極 (磷, 氮), 然後開始使用雷射切割LED外延片 (此前LED外延片主要採用鑽石切割刀), 製成晶片, 在晶圓的不同位置上提取九點測試參數.

        1. 主要測試電壓, 使晶圓的波長和亮度能夠滿足正常出貨標準參數,然後進行下一步操作. 如果九點測試不符合相關要求, 晶圓將被擱置以進行另一次處理.
          2, 晶圓切割成晶片, % 視力檢查 (VI/VC), 操作者應使用放大顯微鏡 30 目視檢查次數.
          3, 然後根據不同電壓使用自動分級機, 波長, 晶片亮度預測參數全自動選擇, 測試和分類.
        2. 最後, 查看 (VC) 並給LED晶片貼上標籤. 晶片區域應位於藍膜的中心, 藍膜上最多有碎片, 但每片藍膜上的晶片數量不得少於晶片, 和晶片類型, 批號, 數量和光電測量統計數據記錄在蠟紙背面貼的標籤上. The chips on the blue film will undergo the final visual inspection according to the same standards as the first visual inspection to ensure that the chips are neatly arranged and of good quality. This makes LED chips (collectively known as squares on the market at present).
          In the process of LED chip production, the chip with some defects or electrode wear, sorted out, these are the loose crystals behind, at this time in the blue film there are some do not meet the normal shipping requirements of the chip, it will naturally become a side piece or hair, etc.
          Talked about in different locations on the wafer extraction parameters testing, nine points do to do not conform to the requirements of the wafer for additional processing, these cannot be directly used to make the LED wafer square piece, also won’t do any sorting, sold directly to customers, which is currently on the market the LED wafer (but also have good things in your wafer, such as the party).

        1. 自從霓虹燈出現以來, after a hundred years of unfailing. It is a special low pressure cold cathode glow discharge electric light source, 與螢光燈等其他燈具不同, 高壓鈉燈, 金屬鹵化物燈, 汞燈, incandescent lamp and other arc lamp. Neon lights are produced by a cold cathode glow discharge under a high voltage field of inert gas filled in a glass tube. The color of the neon lamp is determined by the spectral characteristics of the inert gas. Fluorescent neon lights are filled with argon and mercury, 而霓虹燈發出藍色和黃色的光. These two types of neon lights are generated by excited radiation from the atoms of the working gas in the tube. Compared with other electric light sources, 霓虹燈具有以下特點:
          第一的, 高效率
          霓虹燈依賴兩端的電極發光,在高壓場中將管內的惰性氣體, 它不同於普通光源必須將鎢絲燒至高溫才能發光, 導致大量的電能以熱能的形式被消耗掉, 所以, 用同樣的電能, 霓虹燈的亮度較高.
          二, 氣溫低, 使用不受氣候限制
          霓虹燈因其冷陰極特性, 工作時管溫低於60℃, 因此可以放置在露天日曬雨淋或體內.
          在科技不斷創新的時代, the manufacturing technology of neon lights and the technical level of related parts are constantly improving. The application of new electrodes and electronic transformers has greatly reduced the power consumption of neon lights, 從 56 每米燈瓦數 12 每米燈瓦數.
          四, 長壽
          霓虹燈在持續通電的情況下連續工作, 壽命超過 10,000 小時, 這項優點是其他任何電光源難以達到的.
          五, 柔性生產, 多種顏色
          霓虹燈由玻璃管製成,可以燒製並彎曲成任何形狀,具有極大的靈活性. 透過選擇不同類型的管子並充入不同的惰性氣體, 霓虹燈可以產生多彩的, 多色光.
          六, 動態的, 效果好, 經濟實用
          霓虹燈螢幕由穩態光管和動態光掃描管組成, 可設定跳掃描, 漸進掃描, 混色變七色掃描. 掃描管由配備微電腦晶片編程掃描器控制, 掃描管按編好的程序亮或滅, 形成圖片流, 就像天空中的彩虹, 就像銀河系一樣, 更像是夢境世界, 迷人, 難忘. 所以, 霓虹燈是一種投資較少的廣告形式, 效果強、經濟實用



        What is neon?  

        色管 (有色玻璃) in the glass factory production that has been added yellow, 紅色的, blue, green and other pigments, are manually blown, so the price is high and the diameter error is large. Neon light is a long discharge cold anode luminous discharge device, the use of short-wave ultraviolet excitation phosphors (such as tungstate, borate, silicate, phosphate phosphors).  Its luminous principle is low pressure mercury discharge produces millimeter ultraviolet light, and then from millimeter ultraviolet light excitation of various phosphors, so as to obtain a number of colors of neon light. Neon principle in the closed glass tube, filled with neon, helium, argon and other gases, the two ends of the tube are equipped with two metal electrodes, electrodes are generally made of copper material, electrode lead access to the power supply circuit, with a high voltage transformer, 10~ voltage on the electrode. Because the gas inside the tube is made up of countless molecules, the molecules and atoms are neutral under normal conditions. Under the action of high voltage, a small number of free electrons move to the anode, and the rapid dissociation of gas molecules stimulates the accelerated movement of electrons, so that the gas in the tube conducts electricity and gives out color glow (also known as rainbow light).  The luminous color of neon principle is related to the gas used in the tube and the color of the lamp;  Neon principle Neon gas glows golden if it is filled in a yellowish tube, or yellow and white if it is colorless and transparent. Neon principle To produce different colors of light, you use many different colors of light tubes or fill them with different gases. Neon is made of glass tubes that can be fired and bent into any shape with great flexibility. 透過選擇不同類型的管子並充入不同的惰性氣體, 霓虹燈可以產生多彩的, multi-colored light. The construction and principle of neon lights are not complicated. In the glass tube closed at both ends, two electrodes are installed, the air in the tube is drawn out, and then more than ten thousand volts of high voltage direct current is passed between the two electrodes. The thin air in the tube will ionize, produce discharge phenomenon, and give out light. If the air is pumped out and small amounts of different inert gases or mercury vapors are filled inside the tubes, the lights will take on different colors: when filled with neon, they will glow orange-red.  


        自從霓虹燈出現以來, 經過一百年的不懈努力。它是一種特殊的低壓冷陰極輝光放電電光源, 與螢光燈等其他燈具不同, 高壓鈉燈, 金屬鹵化物燈, 汞燈, 白熾燈和其他弧光燈。霓虹燈是在玻璃管內填充惰性氣體的高壓場下透過冷陰極輝光放電產生的。氖燈的顏色是由惰性氣體的光譜特性決定的。螢光霓虹燈充滿氬氣和汞, 而霓虹燈發出藍色和黃色的光. 這兩種類型的氖燈是由管內工作氣體原子的激發輻射產生的。與其他電光源相比, 霓虹燈具有以下特點:  

        第一的, 高效率

        霓虹燈依賴兩端的電極發光,在高壓場中將管內的惰性氣體, 它不同於普通光源必須將鎢絲燒至高溫才能發光, 導致大量的電能以熱能的形式被消耗掉, 所以, 用同樣的電能, 霓虹燈的亮度較高.  

        二, 氣溫低, 使用不受氣候限制

        霓虹燈因其冷陰極特性, 工作時管溫低於60℃, 因此可以放置在露天日曬雨淋或體內.  


        在科技不斷創新的時代, 霓虹燈的製造技術和相關零件的技術水準不斷提高。新型電極和電子變壓器的應用,大大降低了霓虹燈的耗電量, 從 56 每米燈瓦數 12 每米燈瓦數.  

        四, 長壽

        霓虹燈在持續通電的情況下連續工作, 壽命超過 10,000 小時, 這項優點是其他任何電光源難以達到的.  

        五, 柔性生產, 多種顏色

        霓虹燈由玻璃管製成,可以燒製並彎曲成任何形狀,具有極大的靈活性. 透過選擇不同類型的管子並充入不同的惰性氣體, 霓虹燈可以產生多彩的, 多色光.  

        六, 動態的, 效果好, 經濟實用

        霓虹燈螢幕由穩態光管和動態光掃描管組成, 可設定跳掃描, 漸進掃描, mixed color change seven color scan. Scanning tube by equipped with microcomputer chip programming scanner control, 掃描管按編好的程序亮或滅, 形成圖片流, 就像天空中的彩虹, 就像銀河系一樣, 更像是夢境世界, 迷人, unforgettable. Therefore, 霓虹燈是一種投資較少的廣告形式, 效果強、經濟實用





        自從霓虹燈出現以來, 經過一百年的不懈努力。它是一種特殊的低壓冷陰極輝光放電電光源, 與螢光燈等其他燈具不同, 高壓鈉燈, 金屬鹵化物燈, 汞燈, 白熾燈和其他弧光燈。霓虹燈是在玻璃管內填充惰性氣體的高壓場下透過冷陰極輝光放電產生的。氖燈的顏色是由惰性氣體的光譜特性決定的。螢光霓虹燈充滿氬氣和汞, 而霓虹燈發出藍色和黃色的光. 這兩種類型的氖燈是由管內工作氣體原子的激發輻射產生的。與其他電光源相比, 霓虹燈具有以下特點:  

        第一的, 高效率

        霓虹燈依賴兩端的電極發光,在高壓場中將管內的惰性氣體, 它不同於普通光源必須將鎢絲燒至高溫才能發光, 導致大量的電能以熱能的形式被消耗掉, 所以, 用同樣的電能, 霓虹燈的亮度較高.

        二, 氣溫低, 使用不受氣候限制

        霓虹燈因其冷陰極特性, 工作時管溫低於60℃, 因此可以放置在露天日曬雨淋或體內.  


        在科技不斷創新的時代, 霓虹燈的製造技術和相關零件的技術水準不斷提高。新型電極和電子變壓器的應用,大大降低了霓虹燈的耗電量, 從 56 每米燈瓦數 12 每米燈瓦數.  

        四, 長壽

        霓虹燈在持續通電的情況下連續工作, 壽命超過 10,000 小時, 這項優點是其他任何電光源難以達到的.  

        五, 柔性生產, 多種顏色

        霓虹燈由玻璃管製成,可以燒製並彎曲成任何形狀,具有極大的靈活性. 透過選擇不同類型的管子並充入不同的惰性氣體, 霓虹燈可以產生多彩的, 多色光.  

        六, 動態的, 效果好, 經濟實用

        霓虹燈螢幕由穩態光管和動態光掃描管組成, 可設定跳掃描, 漸進掃描, 混色變七色掃描. 掃描管由配備微電腦晶片編程掃描器控制, 掃描管按編好的程序亮或滅, 形成圖片流, 就像天空中的彩虹, 就像銀河系一樣, 更像是夢境世界, 迷人, 難忘. 所以, 霓虹燈是一種投資較少的廣告形式, 效果強、經濟實用

        AMOWO工業公司, 有限公司. 是一家專業製造商. 專業製造LED燈飾, 和 10 多年出口經驗。我們更注重產品質量. 擁有完善的管理體系, 熟練的技術人員和創造性的R&D隊, 我們可以根據客戶的要求定制產品, 並提供OEM服務。我們願與世界各地的合作夥伴合作, 在平等互利的基礎上. 我們的產品遠銷歐洲, 北美, 亞洲, 中東及其他地區. 我們可以向您保證質量, 優惠條件和信貸. 我們可以根據客戶要求在最短的時間內提供最滿意的OEM服務’ 要求. AMOWO堅持 “產品, 服務, 專業的, 集中” 經營理念. 我們優秀的銷售團隊隨時為您服務!




        Why say LED Lantern Festival can?  What’s the difference between it and neon?  What’s wrong with LED lights?  

        Neon lights and ordinary energy-saving lamps are gaseous discharge luminescence principle. Neon lights are produced by the use of high pressure ionized gas at cold poles, and they give out different colors because of the gas filled in the tube. Ordinary energy-saving lamp is by the filament heating electrons free impact mercury atoms emit ULTRAVIOLET light and then stimulate the phosphor to transform color, emit visible light.  

        Using different phosphors produces different colors. Therefore, neon lights and ordinary energy-saving lamps are linear tube, large volume, especially neon tubes will have transport problems.  

        In terms of luminous efficiency, each lamp has different luminous efficiency in different colors. Until now, the gap between the efficiency of LED white light and that of conventional CFLS was relatively small. But after that, LED white light will surpass ordinary energy-saving lamps and gradually widen the gap. The overall light efficiency of red LED light is higher than that of neon light, while the overall light efficiency of neon light is higher than that of green LED light. LED lights in the market of commercial signs can only be dominant in a small space environment, larger sign advertising, neon lights as a whole cost-effective.  

        The main shortcomings of LED lamps are light decay and heat dissipation problems, but these problems are constantly improving. The combination ability of LED lamp and digital technology and the mechanism of variable color are absolute advantages;  In the future, production costs will continue to decrease, and LED power will come to the fore in the market competition.  

        The pros and cons of LED versus neon

        Neon light is a very wide range of outdoor advertising forms.(1) Rich color, 紅色的, orange, yellow, 綠色, 綠色, blue, purple and other colors.  

        (2) High brightness, suitable for high-rise buildings.  

        (2) Built-in chip control, rich in dynamic, can achieve a variety of color, pattern change

        (3) Moderate cost.(1) Because the neon light should be attached to the metal characters or metal plate surface, exposed to it, the line is also exposed, so the effect is poor during the day, not suitable for low-rise buildings or well-decorated facade.  

        (2) Neon lights use high voltage, high power consumption, according to one square meter of word work 8 小時, the annual electricity consumption, in the power limit city, the use of neon lights approval and use process are very high restrictions.  

        (3) In low-rise buildings, the brightness is high, dazzling, and light pollution is serious.  

        (4) Neon lights do not have any protective ability, it is easy to be broken, incomplete, air leakage.  

        In addition to the advantages of no mercury, 節能, material saving, no electromagnetic interference to the environment, no harmful rays and so on, LED light source has many outstanding advantages in the field of lighting, especially in landscape lighting. Such as:  

        (1) Low voltage power supply: no high voltage link, the cost of insulation is much smaller, high reliability;  Also to one square meter of word work 8 小時, the annual electricity consumption is only degrees.  

        (2) Simple accessories: no starter, ballast or ultra-high voltage transformer;  

        (3) Simple structure: has the biggest advantage of solid light source, no inflation, no glass shell, no gas sealing problem, impact resistance;  

        (4) Pure thick color: produced by the semiconductor PN junction itself color, pure, thick, soft and not dazzling;  

        (5) Rich color: three primary colors and digital technology, can evolve any color;  

        (6) Small size: large LED lamps can be regarded as composed of LED cells, the smallest LED is only square millimeter,  

        Order of magnitude to adapt to point, line, surface, ball, heteroform and any artistic modeling lighting sculpture lighting requirements;  

        (7) No maintenance: 100,000 hours of life, can be used for 50 年, greatly reducing the maintenance cost during the use;  

        (8) Can achieve jump, gradual change, synchronization and other color changes, through the program control to achieve text, pattern display. At present, the cost of LEDS is relatively high (2-3 times as much as neon lights).  However, considering the cost of electricity and maintenance during use, using LED light sources is more suitable than neon lights. For detailed data comparison, please refer to our other article: LED light sources versus Neon lights.  

        Conclusion three:  

        Due to the high brightness led brightness rise and fall of prices, coupled with the long life, 節能, simple drive and control and the neon lights, from the current use of super high brightness leds made monochrome, multicolor and even the color of light and other shape of lighting units to decorate the tall buildings, Bridges, landscape engineering, led used for landscape lighting is a trend.



        COB LED 燈條有幾個 LED?

        COB LED 燈條有幾個 LED?

        How many beads do LED lights have in general?  

        Mainly about the traditional lamp belt, the number of commonly used lamp beads are: 60 beads/meters, beads/meters, beads/meters, beads/meters!  

        The more beads, the closer the arrangement between the beads, the brighter the lamp belt.  

        If your home lamp belt is hidden installation, you can choose less beads, if it is an open lamp belt, it is recommended to use the lamp groove, and choose at least one meter of light, so that the light effect will be more ideal. And the lamp belt also has single row, double row of points.  

        Led soft light bar Specifications Difference between LED soft light bar and LED hard light bar

        Led soft strip is a relatively advanced lighting lighting in the lighting industry at present. Led soft strip is mainly based on the flexible circuit board made of polyimide PI substrate as the carrier, and is installed into the high-brightness LED emitter chip through series and parallel circuit design, and then connected to the power supply to control the lighting effect. And LED soft light strip is also a kind of LED lamp belt. Led soft strip his characteristics are also very obvious, such as flexible circuit board, good stability, very low power consumption, 高效率, and the length can also be controlled by itself. So LED soft strip is widely used in many industries.  

        Led soft strip specifications

        According to the luminous color, there are often monochrome bright light belt, monochrome dark light belt, three-color light belt, colorful light belt;  

        According to the size specifications are often *, *, *8毫米, *7毫米, *6毫米, *5毫米, *8毫米, *6毫米, *5毫米, *4mm and other types;  

        According to the overall packaging classification: waterproof type, bare type;  

        According to the circuit board surface process classification: OSP oxidation resistance type, gold sink process type;  

        According to the circuit board other process classification: large area sensitive white oil type, large area hot solid white oil type, large area sensitive black oil type, large area hot solid black oil type.  

        FlexLightBar. This is the English name of LED soft light strip, which means flexible light strip. And Chinese LED soft light strip is the same thing, but the name is different.  

        Led soft strip price

        Often with the flexible circuit board made of polyimide PI substrate as the carrier, through the series and parallel circuit design of high brightness LED luminescent chip, with the connection of power supply and light emitting program controller to achieve a variety of dazzling lighting effects of LED lamp belt, called LED soft strip.  

        Thermal conductivity double-sided tape LED light strip: ¥11/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

        One meter 54 lamp RGB full color running horse: ¥47/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

        Patch LED soft strip: ¥22/ meter (price source network, for reference only)  

        Drip sleeve LED soft light bar: ¥14.6/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

        Shenzhen spot hot soft light bar: ¥8/ m (price source network, for reference only)  

        LED soft light strip and LED hard light strip difference

        1, LED hard strip is made of PCB hard board assembly circuit board, LED useful patch LED assembly, also useful direct plug LED assembly, depending on the need for different components. The advantages of hard strip are relatively easy to fix, processing and installation are more convenient;  The disadvantage is that it cannot be bent at will and is not suitable for irregular places. There are 60 LED and 72 LED patches for hard lamp strips.  

        2, the flexible LED lamp belt is made of FPC as the assembly circuit board, with the SMT LED assembly, so that the thickness of the product is only the thickness of a coin, does not take up space;  The general specifications are 30 引領, 60 引領, 引領, 等等, different users have different specifications. And can be cut at will, can also be arbitrarily extended and light is not affected. FPC is a soft material that can be bent, folded and wound at will, and can be moved and expanded in three dimensions without breaking. It is suitable for irregular places and narrow Spaces, and can be arbitrarily bent and wound, suitable for any combination of patterns in advertising decoration.  

        Led soft light strip is a very common light source in our life, in advertising signs, three-dimensional luminous words, advertising light box, car taillights, headlights, special clothing, mobile phone background light and signal sensor light are used. And LED soft light strip can be divided into monochrome light belt, monochrome dark light belt, three-color light belt, colorful light belt, and he is also very convenient to install, but when you install it, we must do a good job of waterproof work, and the lamps and lanterns in the installation to reinforce, the interface should also do a good job of waterproof work. In addition, we must pay attention to his safety performance when we choose and buy.



        哪家是中國最好的 COB LED 燈帶工廠?

        哪家是中國最好的 COB LED 燈帶工廠?

        惠州阿莫沃實業有限公司, 有限公司.

        AMOWO工業公司, 有限公司. 是一家專業製造商. 專業製造LED燈飾, 和 10 多年出口經驗。我們更注重產品質量. 擁有完善的管理體系, 熟練的技術人員和創造性的R&D隊, 我們可以根據客戶的要求定制產品, 並提供OEM服務。我們願與世界各地的合作夥伴合作, 在平等互利的基礎上. 我們的產品遠銷歐洲, 北美, 亞洲, 中東及其他地區. 我們可以向您保證質量, 優惠條件和信貸. 我們可以根據客戶要求在最短的時間內提供最滿意的OEM服務’ 要求. AMOWO堅持 “產品, 服務, 專業的, 集中” 經營理念. 我們優秀的銷售團隊隨時為您服務!


        LED燈感覺更好, 具有高亮度和穩定性



        Cob燈帶功率在瓦之間。 LED燈中的COB是指LED燈中使用的COB光源. ChipOnboard代表COB光源. Cob光源是一種將LED芯片直接貼在高反射率鏡面金屬基板上的集成面光源技術.  

        燈帶一米功率 – 瓦之間, 每米上的小珠不少於 30 間隔 3 厘米, 15 米接近, 帶 LED 發光二極管, 每一種力量 0.05 瓦特, 所以總功率 25 瓦特, 比如普通的小珠子, 每顆珠子功率約 0.2 到 0.3 瓦特.  


          當然, 它還包括柔性燈帶和硬燈帶.  

        軟燈條, 這是柔性LED燈帶的英文名稱, Flex在谷歌翻譯中是靈活的, 在雅虎翻譯是導電線, 但是國外客戶說FlexLEDStrip就是我們所說的柔性LED燈帶.  



        不均勻燈帶, 主要跟線路設計有關, 燈帶有最大連接長度, 根據驅動電源的用途, 是恆壓電源還是恆流電源, 計算線路效果的最大連接長度, 可以保證LED燈條在發光時的一致性。
