


What is neon?  

色管 (有色玻璃) in the glass factory production that has been added yellow, 紅色的, blue, green and other pigments, are manually blown, so the price is high and the diameter error is large. Neon light is a long discharge cold anode luminous discharge device, the use of short-wave ultraviolet excitation phosphors (such as tungstate, borate, silicate, phosphate phosphors).  Its luminous principle is low pressure mercury discharge produces millimeter ultraviolet light, and then from millimeter ultraviolet light excitation of various phosphors, so as to obtain a number of colors of neon light. Neon principle in the closed glass tube, filled with neon, helium, argon and other gases, the two ends of the tube are equipped with two metal electrodes, electrodes are generally made of copper material, electrode lead access to the power supply circuit, with a high voltage transformer, 10~ voltage on the electrode. Because the gas inside the tube is made up of countless molecules, the molecules and atoms are neutral under normal conditions. Under the action of high voltage, a small number of free electrons move to the anode, and the rapid dissociation of gas molecules stimulates the accelerated movement of electrons, so that the gas in the tube conducts electricity and gives out color glow (also known as rainbow light).  The luminous color of neon principle is related to the gas used in the tube and the color of the lamp;  Neon principle Neon gas glows golden if it is filled in a yellowish tube, or yellow and white if it is colorless and transparent. Neon principle To produce different colors of light, you use many different colors of light tubes or fill them with different gases. Neon is made of glass tubes that can be fired and bent into any shape with great flexibility. 透過選擇不同類型的管子並充入不同的惰性氣體, 霓虹燈可以產生多彩的, multi-colored light. The construction and principle of neon lights are not complicated. In the glass tube closed at both ends, two electrodes are installed, the air in the tube is drawn out, and then more than ten thousand volts of high voltage direct current is passed between the two electrodes. The thin air in the tube will ionize, produce discharge phenomenon, and give out light. If the air is pumped out and small amounts of different inert gases or mercury vapors are filled inside the tubes, the lights will take on different colors: when filled with neon, they will glow orange-red.  


自從霓虹燈出現以來, 經過一百年的不懈努力。它是一種特殊的低壓冷陰極輝光放電電光源, 與螢光燈等其他燈具不同, 高壓鈉燈, 金屬鹵化物燈, 汞燈, 白熾燈和其他弧光燈。霓虹燈是在玻璃管內填充惰性氣體的高壓場下透過冷陰極輝光放電產生的。氖燈的顏色是由惰性氣體的光譜特性決定的。螢光霓虹燈充滿氬氣和汞, 而霓虹燈發出藍色和黃色的光. 這兩種類型的氖燈是由管內工作氣體原子的激發輻射產生的。與其他電光源相比, 霓虹燈具有以下特點:  

第一的, 高效率

霓虹燈依賴兩端的電極發光,在高壓場中將管內的惰性氣體, 它不同於普通光源必須將鎢絲燒至高溫才能發光, 導致大量的電能以熱能的形式被消耗掉, 所以, 用同樣的電能, 霓虹燈的亮度較高.  

二, 氣溫低, 使用不受氣候限制

霓虹燈因其冷陰極特性, 工作時管溫低於60℃, 因此可以放置在露天日曬雨淋或體內.  


在科技不斷創新的時代, 霓虹燈的製造技術和相關零件的技術水準不斷提高。新型電極和電子變壓器的應用,大大降低了霓虹燈的耗電量, 從 56 每米燈瓦數 12 每米燈瓦數.  

四, 長壽

霓虹燈在持續通電的情況下連續工作, 壽命超過 10,000 小時, 這項優點是其他任何電光源難以達到的.  

五, 柔性生產, 多種顏色

霓虹燈由玻璃管製成,可以燒製並彎曲成任何形狀,具有極大的靈活性. 透過選擇不同類型的管子並充入不同的惰性氣體, 霓虹燈可以產生多彩的, 多色光.  

六, 動態的, 效果好, 經濟實用

霓虹燈螢幕由穩態光管和動態光掃描管組成, 可設定跳掃描, 漸進掃描, mixed color change seven color scan. Scanning tube by equipped with microcomputer chip programming scanner control, 掃描管按編好的程序亮或滅, 形成圖片流, 就像天空中的彩虹, 就像銀河系一樣, 更像是夢境世界, 迷人, unforgettable. Therefore, 霓虹燈是一種投資較少的廣告形式, 效果強、經濟實用


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