
COB LED灯带的安装方法?

COB LED灯带的安装方法?


第二步: 然后就可以在示宽灯的灯座上通电了, 但要分清正负极, 最好用电笔量, 亮的是正极, 如果你想改善生活, 你可以在灯组上串联一个欧姆电阻来限制电流, 防止灯组突变高压击穿.

步 3:  LED车灯安装条安装在前保险杠进气格栅上, 即使是好的线, 使用热熔胶密封在防水和轮子上对每个轮胎的脱落, 将物品 LED 汽车灯放在刹车片的部分, 应该有固定的地方, 看是什么车, 连同网站的各个部分, 只要能固定在一个圆圈内, 很简单,  可以先上网查一下你的车的结构图, 所以请确定一些.  

步 4:  电笔找小车灯线, 关小灯, 铅笔不亮, 打开小光电笔, 找正文LED车灯接好后的线负极线可以接大灯总成负极线也可以直接接铁, 没关系, 用电工胶带或热缩管包裹, 修补路口, 定好品LED车灯, 完全的,  小灯线在大灯总成线束中, 打开行李箱盖,看大灯后面.  



1, 先在电源线负极安装限流电阻.  

2, 然后把LED灯带的正负线分开.  

3. 用剥皮器去除LED灯带的正极线.  

4, 剥去LED灯正极线。如下图所示.  

5. 将电源的负极线与LED灯条的正极线相连.  

6. 然后将LED的负极接限流电阻.  

7. 完成以上步骤后, LED灯接线完成.  

8. 最后, 打开LED灯开关进行测试, 并发现LED灯亮,接线过程正确。



SMD和COB LED灯带有什么区别?

SMD和COB LED灯带有什么区别?

What is the difference between coB downlights and LED downlights

1. Different technology

Leds are solid-state semiconductor devices that convert electricity directly into light. Led, as the third generation of lighting technology after incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp, has the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, safety and reliability.  

Cob light source is directly attached to the led chip high reflective rate of mirror surface of high photosynthetic efficiency of metal substrate integrated light source technology, the technology to eliminate the concept of stents, electroless plating, reflow soldering, SMT process, so the process to reduce by almost a third, cost savings by a third, popular terms is more advanced than led lights, and the lamp that shield an eye.  

2. Different lighting

Led lights can save energy, environmental protection, no strobotron no ULTRAVIOLET radiation, the disadvantage is blue light harm. Cob lamp high color rendering, light color close to natural color, no stroboscopic, no glare, no electromagnetic radiation, no ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, can protect eyes and skin.  

Cob advantages

1. Advantages of production and manufacturing efficiency

The production process of COB packaging is basically the same as that of traditional SMD production process. The efficiency of COB packaging is basically the same as that of SMD packaging in the process of solid crystal and welding line. 然而, the efficiency of COB packaging is much higher than that of SMD products in dispensing, separation, splitting and packaging.  

The labor and manufacturing cost of traditional SMD packaging is about 15% of the material cost, while the labor and manufacturing cost of COB packaging is about 10% of the material cost. With COB packaging, the labor and manufacturing cost can be saved by 5%.  

2, low thermal resistance advantage

The system thermal resistance of traditional SMD packaging application is: chipsolid crystal gelsolder jointsolder pastecopper foilinsulation layeraluminum material. COB package system thermal resistance: chipsolid crystal gelaluminum. The system thermal resistance of COB package is much lower than that of traditional SMD package, which greatly improves the life of LED.  

.  3, light quality advantage

Traditional SMD packages attach multiple discrete components to THE PCB in the form of patches to form light source components for LED applications, which has problems of spot light, glare and glow-out. COB packaging is integrated packaging, is a surface light source, the advantage is a large Angle of view and easy to adjust, reduce the loss of light refraction





哪个更节省能源, 节能灯或发光二极管?  

相比之下, LED灯更节能, 更节能、技术更先进。无论从亮度还是节能方面都优于节能灯。值得推荐购买, 更多用电安全.  

LEDS 和 CFLS 有什么区别?  哪个更节能?  

节能灯和LED作为我们市场上比较常见的两种灯具, 我们挑选起来难免会有一些困惑, 节能灯和LED灯哪个好? CFLS 和 LEDS 有什么区别? 让我们更全面地了解 CFLS 和 LEDS.

节能灯的主要发光材料仍然是钨丝。原理是钨丝通电加热后产生电子, 并采用一定的技术手段对电子进行加速。 CFLS 设计有一个充满汞的真空管, 或汞。加速的电子与蒸发的汞原子相互作用产生紫外线。节能灯管内涂有荧光材料, 紫外线照射到荧光材料上产生光.  

LED灯是通过LED灯珠串联或并联, 这些LED灯珠是由LED组成, 在集成电路芯片的作用下将交流电源转变为电压, 电流和 LED 组匹配 DC, 以满足LED灯珠组装的要求, 使其能正常发光.  

LED灯不会产生噪音,是使用精密电子仪器的场所的首选。适用于图书馆, 办公室, 像这样的东西。光线柔和,保养眼睛。传统荧光灯使用交流电, 因此它们每秒最多产生一次频闪。 LED灯将交流电转换为直流电, 无闪烁, 眼睛保养.  

普通节能灯含有汞元素. 如果灯泡损坏, 会影响人们的安全. 平均寿命为一年。然而, LED CFLS均为固体发光, 固体冷光源, 环氧树脂封装, 使用寿命长达五年, 10 是 CFLS 的 2 倍。安装后, 它不会被替换为 5 年。外观高贵, 华丽大方。而且LED节能灯的色彩也很丰富, 而且还具有防震功能, 防水的, 环保等功能。